I don't know, buuuuuut IF I were a sculpter, which by all means I AM NOT, but if I were, I would choose to sculpt my artistic abilities in something THAT WAS GOING TO LAST!!! I would choose clay, or marble, or stone.
Think about Michelangelo's David statue, carved out of marble in the 1500's and it's STILL there in Italy today! What about the AMAZING Mt. Rushmore?! I've always wanted to one day see this, 14 years of HARD WORK,during the depression years of this country, BUT its STILL there today, WAITING for me to come see it!!!

An ice sculpture typically lasts an average of 4-6 hours, now it doesn't take nearly as long to make either, but if you think about it, it actually melts quicker than it actually took to make it. On the other hand, Michelangelo's David statue, Mt. Rushmore took YEARS to complete, however, they have now, OUTLIVED the years these artists took to create them.
So I repeat my question,
If I had THAT amazing of a talent, it sure wouldn't make sense to me, to waste my ability on something that wasn't going to last. Yet, we as Christians, so often live our lives as ICE SCULPTORS!!!
Putting our hopes, dreams and time into things that are NOT going to last!!! This world shall melt with a fervent heat!!! The Bible clearly states it in 2 Peter 3:10 "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."
Why do we place SO MUCH time and effort into the things of this world, when WE KNOW, they are NOT GOING TO LAST!!! Our jobs are JUST JOBS, they are helping us survive here in this life, but When you get to heaven, NO ONE is going to care what your CAREER was here on earth. So WHY do we put them before the things of God??? Every time I'm about to take a babysitting job that would mean missing Saturday night prayer, I have to remind myself, that the $40-$60 just IS NOT worth it! Its just a Ice sculptor in my life!
We get so caught up in THINGS!!! Clothes, cars, gadgets, don't get me wrong, I'm NOT saying that we should all start wearing potato sacks and using a horse and buggy, (Could you all imagine me TRYING to drive a horse and buggy??? BAHAHA!!!) BUT we SHOULD be finding ourselves, INVESTING MORE in the work of God, then in those things that are not going to last!!! All my cute things, Hello Kitty, hair accessories, purses, they're JUST ICE SCULPTORS, that aren't going with me to heaven. Yes, they are nice things to have, but I have to keep in perspective what REALLY MATTERS!!! "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." ( Isaiah 40:8)
I'm NOT against education, but I've had many friends LOOSE out with God, because they've gotten so caught up in this world's wisdom. They put school before God, yet when we get to heaven, the only knowledge that will truly last, is the knowledge of God! If your education is coming between YOU and GOD, its better to choose to increase your knowledge in God. Don't let school be an ice sculptor in your life! "For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea." (Habakkuk 2:14)
However, there are things we can do that are like the Mt. Rushmore's in our life. There are things we can do that will OUTLIVE us!!! If you thing about it, THE ONLY things we can take to heaven with us, is MORE SOULS!!! Every dollar, every bit of time you spend, is worth it, knowing that this is a SOUL that needs to go to heaven. Your NOT wasting your time, your investing in something that will outlive you here on earth. "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise."
Reading your Bible will OUTLIVE YOU!!! Time spent in God's word is NEVER WASTED!!! God's word is, GOD TALKING TO YOU!!! "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Matthew 24:35)
Every time we uphold ourselves to a conviction God has placed in our heart, we are making another carving in something that is going to outlive our time here on earth. There are certain things I won't wear, not because I can't, but because GOD has convicted me.These decisions will outlive me. I took myself off social networking sites, not because I HAD to, but because God told me too! I'm making another carving in the Mt. Rushmore of my life. "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong." (1 Corinthians 16:13)
Pastor talked on Sunday about how Jacob's well, which was originally created in the Old Testament, is the same well that Jesus sat on when he told the woman at the well about this living water, and that well is still there today. Jacob was passing on a legacy to his children, and when we uphold our convictions, we are passing something on to our children and the future generations that are coming after us. "A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children..." (Proverbs 13:22)
Prayer will OUTLIVE US!!! There have been many stories of people who's prayers were answered AFTER their death! This body will die, but our prayers and burdens will live on after us. Our burdens for souls will not die in our death, God will take it and pass it on to another. Every prayer you pray is not lost or forgotten. The tears you cry in prayer are treasures to God. "You number my wanderings: put you my tears into your bottle: are they not in your book?" (Psalm 56:8) Spend your TIME in PRAYER!!! Its GOING to OUTLIVE YOU!!!
Its time to Put aside the things of this world that are just ice sculpture in our lives, things that will only last for a little while. There is not need for us to be foolish with our talents and abilities. We can invest in something that will OUTLIVE US!!!
"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Matthew 6:19-21)
♥Mary Frances :)
Why do we place SO MUCH time and effort into the things of this world, when WE KNOW, they are NOT GOING TO LAST!!! Our jobs are JUST JOBS, they are helping us survive here in this life, but When you get to heaven, NO ONE is going to care what your CAREER was here on earth. So WHY do we put them before the things of God??? Every time I'm about to take a babysitting job that would mean missing Saturday night prayer, I have to remind myself, that the $40-$60 just IS NOT worth it! Its just a Ice sculptor in my life!
We get so caught up in THINGS!!! Clothes, cars, gadgets, don't get me wrong, I'm NOT saying that we should all start wearing potato sacks and using a horse and buggy, (Could you all imagine me TRYING to drive a horse and buggy??? BAHAHA!!!) BUT we SHOULD be finding ourselves, INVESTING MORE in the work of God, then in those things that are not going to last!!! All my cute things, Hello Kitty, hair accessories, purses, they're JUST ICE SCULPTORS, that aren't going with me to heaven. Yes, they are nice things to have, but I have to keep in perspective what REALLY MATTERS!!! "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." ( Isaiah 40:8)
I'm NOT against education, but I've had many friends LOOSE out with God, because they've gotten so caught up in this world's wisdom. They put school before God, yet when we get to heaven, the only knowledge that will truly last, is the knowledge of God! If your education is coming between YOU and GOD, its better to choose to increase your knowledge in God. Don't let school be an ice sculptor in your life! "For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea." (Habakkuk 2:14)
However, there are things we can do that are like the Mt. Rushmore's in our life. There are things we can do that will OUTLIVE us!!! If you thing about it, THE ONLY things we can take to heaven with us, is MORE SOULS!!! Every dollar, every bit of time you spend, is worth it, knowing that this is a SOUL that needs to go to heaven. Your NOT wasting your time, your investing in something that will outlive you here on earth. "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise."
Reading your Bible will OUTLIVE YOU!!! Time spent in God's word is NEVER WASTED!!! God's word is, GOD TALKING TO YOU!!! "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Matthew 24:35)
Every time we uphold ourselves to a conviction God has placed in our heart, we are making another carving in something that is going to outlive our time here on earth. There are certain things I won't wear, not because I can't, but because GOD has convicted me.These decisions will outlive me. I took myself off social networking sites, not because I HAD to, but because God told me too! I'm making another carving in the Mt. Rushmore of my life. "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong." (1 Corinthians 16:13)
Pastor talked on Sunday about how Jacob's well, which was originally created in the Old Testament, is the same well that Jesus sat on when he told the woman at the well about this living water, and that well is still there today. Jacob was passing on a legacy to his children, and when we uphold our convictions, we are passing something on to our children and the future generations that are coming after us. "A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children..." (Proverbs 13:22)
Prayer will OUTLIVE US!!! There have been many stories of people who's prayers were answered AFTER their death! This body will die, but our prayers and burdens will live on after us. Our burdens for souls will not die in our death, God will take it and pass it on to another. Every prayer you pray is not lost or forgotten. The tears you cry in prayer are treasures to God. "You number my wanderings: put you my tears into your bottle: are they not in your book?" (Psalm 56:8) Spend your TIME in PRAYER!!! Its GOING to OUTLIVE YOU!!!
Its time to Put aside the things of this world that are just ice sculpture in our lives, things that will only last for a little while. There is not need for us to be foolish with our talents and abilities. We can invest in something that will OUTLIVE US!!!
"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Matthew 6:19-21)
Its TIME to start carving out our heavenly Mt. Rushmores!!!
♥Mary Frances :)