Annnnnnnnnnd on THE 3rd day in NYC low and behold... I found Aaron...AKA: Spyder Man!!!
I got one of those drawings done of me...I wasn't to excited about it when I looked, I think she waaaaay exaggerated my I wanted her to add in my heart-shaped glasses and she said she could, buuuuuut they were UGLY!!! I was like, NO YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT!!! Annnnnnnnnnd as IF HER drawing of my figure wasn't RIDICULOUS!!! LOL I did NOT bother hauling that back home with me!!! LOL
A LOT OF WALKING this day, wish I had a fit bit back then to see just how much we did!!!
911 Memorial...very well done...
One we had never really done was a tour of Central Park, which is absolutely GORGOUS...
We decided to do a bike tour which was REALLY NICE!!!
He took us to all the big spots all over the park and told us about them and he even took pictures of us and gave us a blanket to stay warm!!
This the engagement bridge...
I figured I should go stand on the bridge....buuuuut ALAS, NO PROPOSAL!!! LOL
♥Mary Frances :)