Weeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllll I decided I should PROBABLEY go ahead and start posting pics from my NYC trip back in October...
Here we are at the airport waiting to board...
Dad looks kinda confused...LOL
I think this was still in the car, when I realized I had forgotten my sneakers annnnnd yeah we had to turn back...OOOOOPS!!!
This was just a really pretty house that I liked...
NYC has such a strong Italian influence that they ACTUALLY sell our famous Italian cookies in snack packs, like you would find twinkies or ding dongs!!!
Hanging out with my dad's sisters, and family...
My dad's baby brother, he's so cute and funny!!!
The creepiest weeds... a girl was murdered there...and NYPD sits there 24 hrs a day now...I don't get WHY tho...cuz its NOT like the murderer is just gonna walk up and say, hey! Its ME!!!
Where we stayed, you can rent a house like HOUSE UBER or something...
Right up the street from the Subway...Aaaaaaahhhh sooooo much FUNNNNN!!!
♥Mary Frances :)