Soooooooooo these pics are SUPERRRR out of order, basically the reception is first and the wedding is last, buuuuut yeah, you all get the point!!! It was a BEAUTIFUL WEDDING AND CELEBRATION!!!
I'm happy to say that there is NOW another Filipino welcomed to this crazy-aweseome Italian Family...whoop, whoop!!! And WELCOME ADRIAN, we all are excited to get to know you, and just so you know, I WILL be YOUR FAVORITE Cuz-in-law...Just ask Kevin...theres NO WAY AROUND IT!!! Heh, heh!!! :))))
Soooooooo when the Mangino's came for my brother Abraham's wedding in Bohol, Barbara joined me for CELBEB status in the PI, which is what happens when you have blue eyes there, we neverrrrrr DREAMED that a few years later she would find her own Filipino knight-in-shining-armor in nursing school in NYC!!! (I think that's where they met! LOL) Although, being American, she didn't quite have CELEB status with her blue eyes with him being Filipino AMERICAN, BUUUUUT she DID let him know RIGHT AWAY that she has been to the Philippines...Hee, hee!!!
Father daughter dance, Uncle Mike, my mom's big brother, still got his swag!!! LOL
Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay I'm not going to go over every pic with you all but the reception was held at a beautiful mansion place, with a BOMB COCKTAIL hour and several courses when it was meal time...I got the duck, if only to say I've eaten duck...LOL
The wedding ceremony was held at Our Lady Of Mercy Catholic Church in my Aunt and Uncle's neighborhood where there family has attended for most of their lives!!!
My beautiful cousins, the Bridesmaids...Cara and Laura....
at the reception Cara said in her speech that she wanted a baby sister so bad and her babysitter told her to pray about it so she did and she said she must have prayed really hard because God answered her prayers and gave her NOT one baby sister, BUUUUUT TWO...Aka: THE TWINS!!! LOL
Cocktail hour....YUMMMMM!!!
♥Mary Frances :)