Weeeeeelllll my hiking days are looking like they're over for the next little while!!! We have these huge beetles that would be bad enough if they were just crawling on the ground, that I can deal with, buuuuuut they FLY!!!! if they stayed away from me like bees generally do, I could handle it, buuuuuut nooooo they are friendly, like, hey! Let's hang out, I'll just ride on you as you hike!!! NO, I can NOT HANDLE THAT!!! I'm just like, I'm NOT cool with you guys, WE ARE NOT FRIENDS!!!
I texted Sis. Kathy Mackelhaney, cuz she is like the super woman of Pentecost and Outdoor exercise, well her and her husband are marathon runners and mountain cyclists, So I'm like, SISTER, what do YOU DO ABOUT BUGS??? Or are you just truly SUPER WOMAN??? She texted me back a pic of OFF bug repellent! And I'm like, buuuut does that keep them from landing on you??? She said she doesn't know about that buuuut it does keep them from biting you, which is good enough for her! THAT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME!!! EEEEEEKKKKS!!!
Then I google info on these bugs that look like huge flying roaches! It says that they are ACTUALLY called Palo Verde beetles and THEY ARE HARMLESS!! Yeah, soooooo are roaches buuuuut I still don't wanna be friends with them! It went on to defend them and say that they are just "Love Bugs" these bugs spend the last three years of their lives living underground and come up NOW, to mate (Find love) ANNNND DIE!!! I'm like, OKAAAAAAAAAAAAY, that is NOT making me feel ANY BETTER about these bugs!!! The only thing WORSE than them landing on me, IS THEM MATING AND DYING ON ME!!! EWWWWWWWWW!!!
They're all like, they're just lonely bugs looking for LOVE!!! I'm like, that's NOT LOOOOOVE, I know, i'm SINGLE BUUUUUT THAT SOOOO ISN'T LOVE!!! Try ABSTINENCE YOU LOSERS!!! Seriously, no sympathy for them!!! I think there's a lesson in this, they mate and DIE...THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH!!! These are NOT LOVE BUGS...THEY ARE SIN BUGS!!!
They're all like, they're just lonely bugs looking for LOVE!!! I'm like, that's NOT LOOOOOVE, I know, i'm SINGLE BUUUUUT THAT SOOOO ISN'T LOVE!!! Try ABSTINENCE YOU LOSERS!!! Seriously, no sympathy for them!!! I think there's a lesson in this, they mate and DIE...THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH!!! These are NOT LOVE BUGS...THEY ARE SIN BUGS!!!
I did buy some repel, that is supposed to kill some bugs on contact, Ima try it buuuut I have feeling my hiking days really are going to take a hault till September, since these bugs go away at the end of August!!!
Looks like, I'm going to have to break down and JOIN THE GYM...I was going to have to do it EVENTUALLY for the AZ summer...120 degrees...we DO usually have a few deaths from people that STILL try to go hiking during our summer.... buuuut I'm NOT going to be one of them!!! LOL I was just hoping for one more month of hiking, I had two more big mountains I was really wanting to Hike first...Squaw Peak and Cambelback...now I gotta wait...Stupid SIN bugs...BOO!!!