I would like you all to see exactly how my mind processes things!!! A few weeks ago my pastor was talking about when Aaron's rod sprouted and grew almonds on it...
I was like OH WOW, that's superrrrr cool...then I was like, Hmmmm...I wonder if anyone ate the almonds? I mean I WOULD!!! And if they did, WHAT DID THE ALMONDS TASTED LIKE???? They were probably liiiiiiike THE BEST ALMONDS EVERRRR...ooooh...ALMOND BUTTTTER....
HEEEEEEYYYY HAVE YOU GUYS EVER HAD Cerreta's Cinnamon Almond butter??
Put that on Trader Joe's Cinnamon Apple swirl bread and it's SOOOOOO THEBOMB.COM!!!
Jus sayin!!!
That is the process of what goes on in my mind with just ONE SCRIPTURE READING...it can get very complicated...BUUUUUT FUN... at times...BEING ME!!! hee, hee!!! .
♥Mary Frances :)