Tuesday, April 17, 2018


So currently, for all those who are (and for those who aren't) interested, I am...

Reading - Basically just the Bible at this point, BECAUSE...I can't find ANYTHING good to read!!! It seems like NOTHING compares to Lynn Austin and Jan Karon books, someone suggested Francine Rivers buuuuuuut IDK...I just can't get into her books...Her romance is just TOO MUCH INFO for my liking to read about...I like mysteries...buuuuuuuuut NOT to intense and gory...I just don't wanna read about serial killers and junk...Although, I WILL SAY, that the Lynn Austin BIBLE stories are a little too much for my liking too...Especially the ones with King Manassah, even though it did open my eyes as to HOW EVIL things were in the world during the Bible days, I felt really uncomfortable hearing about it...Jus sayin, in MY PERSONAL OPPINION!!! Oh the Bible AND my blog...BECAUSE FOR SOME REASON, NO ONE ELSE SEEMS TO UPDATE THEIR BLOG ANYMORE...Ahem peeps...The Blog Police are COMING FOR YOU!!! Feel free to email me some bookspiration!!! MaryfrancesWriting@gmail.com

Singing - Hmmmm... I think I have a Denae Abbott CD in my car player right now...

Listening - Right now I'm listening to the wash machine running...FOR REALZ!!! Buuuuuuuuut as soon as I'm done writing this AIO is going on...I can't write and listen to AIO at the same time...JUST CAN NOT!!! 

Working on- LOSING WEIGHT!!! I really, really, REALLY wanna get down to 249 by the end of this month!!! Currently at 254, soooo I'm NOT FAR, just gotta PUSH!!! Also, drinking MORE water, I've been trying to drink 150 oz of water a day, did really good last week buuuuut kinda fell off over the weekend!!! 

Walking - Ummmmm Malls and shopping centers!!! LOLOL

Running - Just signed up with my pastor's wife for my 3rd 5k of the year, The GLENDALE ICE CREAM RUN!!! You can sign up HERE!!! 

Laughing - Saw a funny play on Friday, The Importance of being Earnest!!! The part that made me laugh so much was when this guy she just met proposes to her, and she says, oh but  you already proposed to me 3 months ago, he says, but HOW could I have when I only met you today? She says, Oh, it buuuuuut it all happened in my mind, and it was VERY ROMANTIC, you can read ALL ABOUT IT IN MY DIARY!!! AHAHAHAHAAAA...it was a little to CLOSE TO HOME FOR ME!!! 

Smiling - Because GOD IS GOOD, So good, Sooooo good, SOOOOOO GOOOOD!!!

Praying - For inspiration in writing...which could possible be WHY i'm writing this post Right now!!! Hee, hee!!! 

Accepting - That a DAINTY JEWELL'S 3x STILL DOES NOT FIT ME!!! Seriously people, talk about an EMPHASIS ON DAINTY!!! Most of my clothes now are 1x/2x EVEN SOME LARGES, I have one non-stretchy dress that is a 3x, DJ's 3x, I think I'm gonna have to lose at least 2o more pounds before these dresses fit...I don't mind the number on my clothing, all I care about is if it looks good, buuuuut I don't think its a true 3x if it still doesn't fit me yet...jus sayin..LOL I was really, really, REALLY HOPING to wear them to conferences this summer buuuuuuut, we'll see!!! Also accepting THAT with the spring comes beautiful flowers while hiking, WHICH BRINGS ALL KINDS OF BUGS...WHICH I DESPISE AND HATE WITH A PASSION!!!

Looking forward to - The summer activities I'm going to go too!!! AMA and HERITAGE, THE BAY, HERE COMES MAR BEAR!!! 

Learning - Over and over again, every day to trust in God and LEAN NOT on my own understanding!!! 

Writing - I'm currently working on a big writing project...which I will divulge the details on in the future...NOT SURE WHEN...buuuuuuuuut PRAY FOR ME...For inspiration, God's direction and ANNOINTING!!! 

Future goals: Paying off debt, by the end of this month I should have my loan for weight loss surgery paid off, then I've got a few other medical bills that I can start making larger payments on, wanna make some BIG dents on those by the end of the year!!! 


Finishing - This blog post. Bam. END.
♥Mary Frances :)