Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Book update!!!

Sooooooooooo I wanted to let you all know that, PART 1 of my book is OFFICIALLY WRITTEN!!! I say WRITTEN, not done, because I am sure it will be a LOOOOOOOOOOONG wayz, many drafts and REWRITES, before it is DONE...buuuuuuuuuut it IS completely written!!!
I have moved on to PART 2 and am aiming to have Part 2 completed by the end of the year!!! I had HOPED to be a lot further by now, BUUUUUUT LIFE my friends, IT HAPPENS!!! I have such a strong burden to get this book done and out and doing it's work...Annnnnnd YET, while I have a burden and desire for this book to be completed much quicker, I also want to do my absolute best on it and MY BEST is not FAST...sorry folks, it's just NOT!!! 
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT I realized that I still haven't told you all in which the subject of my book shall be on!!! I have decided that, in HONOR of my sister's birthday, I will announce my subject, on her birthday month, FRIDAY OCTOBER 12th!!! WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! I'm sooooo curious to hear what you all have been guessing, I got quite few interesting guesses emailed to me...Hee, hee!!! I know, I know, i'm being one of those REALLY annoying people that's like, GUESS, instead of me just saying...buuuuuuuuuuut can't I just be ANNOYING for ONCE IN MY LIFE???? 

 What do you think my book is about??? 
  -Do you think it's fiction or non-fiction?
  -If it's fiction, do you think it's a mystery, adventure or romance?
  -For teens, young adults, children or ANYONE???
 -Devotionals? A testimonial? A bigography? My Auto-biography? (HA!)
 -For singles? Marrieds? Relationship advice? Outreach and evangelism??? How to start a bus ministry?
I'll reveal MORE of the details SOON but for now I'm curious to know what you all think it would be about!!! Email me Maryfranceswriting@gmail.com OR text IF you have my number!!!
17 MORE days till I announce my book subject!!!
♥Mary Frances :)