Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Why I failed math in highschool...

Annnnnnnnnnnnd AHEM...maybe a few times in college as well!!! ;)
I was listening to a man on Focus on The Family the other day talk about HOW he thought he would never really amount to anything cuz he wasn't really that book smart! He's like, you know IN HIGHSCHOOL, I was still doing those math word problems!!! You know, Bob's at the store and he buys three apples and two pears and 20 watermelon...
You know, Bob's at the store and he buys three apples and two pears and 20 watermelon...
I'm thinking like, OH YEAH, you think THATS BAD doing that kind of stuff in HIGH SCHOOL...
MEANWHILE Mary's IN college, highschool, college, HIGHSCHOOl…

Okaaaaaaaaaaay I haven’t done either for YEARS sooooooo needless to say this was a long, long, loooooooooooong time ago, hee, hee, soooooooo i'm in non-elemantrey school... Doing THE SAME KIND of word problems, Aunt Sue is  at the store and she buys three apples and two pears and 20 watermelon, she. hands the cashier a $20... how much change does the cashier give Aunt Sue????
And Mary's like, hmmmm...
I wonder if the cashier was CUTE???
That’s literally HOW my brain works… it just goes to a completely different thought… like when the Bible says Aaron’s rod sprouted almonds, I wonder if anyone tasted them!!! I mean that would be some really gooooooood almond butter!!!Lolol 😂 I’m pretty sure, IM THE REASON there is calculators on every phone…  
 Your welcome !!! 
♥Mary Frances :)