Wednesday, December 18, 2019

IT's so pretty...I just can't unwrap it!!!

You know how some people look at a beutifully wrapped present and the like gasp, like, "OMW!!! The wrapping is soooooooooo BEAUTIFUL!!! I don't even wanna OPEN it cuz I'll RUIN the wrapping!!!" Then they proceed to take like ten minutes NEATLY unwrapping the gift and your just standing there like, OH COME ON!!! Just OPEN IT!!! Ahahahaha!!! Weeeeeeeeeellllllll...the WAY I ROLL is...
I just make sure people 
No overly beautiful wrapping for this sista!!! Like, sometimes I don't even use a scissor to cut the paper...ahahahaha!!! LOL! I informed everyone of this Sunday night when we went out for a birthday and everyone busted up laughing...especially when I passed over the birthday present I had wrapped!!!
♥Mary Frances :)