Wednesday, December 11, 2024

12 Apostolic Days of Christmas!!!

I saw this post from 2010 and thought it was indeed time to repost an enjoy again
12 Apostolic Days Of Christmas
On the twelfth day of Christmas 
my Apostolic friends gave to me...

12 cans of hairspray...

11 preachers preaching...

10 Bible studies...

9 potluck dinners...

8 packs of bobby pins...

7 days of fasting...

6 Gospel CDs...

5  looooooong skirts...

4 restaurant choices...

3 days of conference...

2 suits and ties...
0 Wedding Rings

Annnnnnnnnnd a 
King James Holy Bible!!!

Does this sound like an Apostolic Christmas OR WHAT?!?!!?! HAHA!
MERRY early CHRISTMAS my friends!!! :]
♥Mary Frances :)