Sooooooooo yesterday, I officially started writing my second book for my kids series, "Delicious Adventures with Nona" First one written is "Peter's First Italian Feast" my version of the conversion of Cornelius in Acts 10. The theme of this story is The Holy Ghost is for EVERYONE!"
I had originally known that I wanted my second story to be the story of the Ethiopian Eunech's conversion in Acts 8, and I thought I knew what I wanted the theme to be, but I randomly lost my inspiration for the story and felt like I didn't actually have a legit story line and I was unsure of the theme etc...
Well I decided to just take some time to pray about it and around early March, one Sunday afternoon during the preaching, which had NOTHING to do with it, I felt a confirmation in my spirit, the NEXT STORY SHOULD indeed be about the Ethiopian Eunach annnnnnnnd the theme if this story should be HUNGER FOR GOD. I just felt it in my heart and I just knew it was RIGHT...
"The Man Who Ate And Ate And Ate AND ATE!!!"
Bible Story:Ethiopian Eunach Acts 8
Theme: Hunger for God
Btw: NO to the people that have asked me and anyone that is wondering, no we're not going over the fact that he is a Eunach in the story...I don't think thats an important fact to get the gospel message to children and I'm not researching this matter annnnnnd....I don't even know how to spell it...bahahahhaaaaa!!!!
Weeeeeeeellllll when I am not writing for my blog, I like to use microsoft Word on my lap top buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I had a problem...I could NOT remember my password AT ALL WHATSOEVERRRR...liiiiiike mind went completely blank on the matter!!!
Sooooooooooo I asked my sister in law if she thought maybe she could figure it out for me and if NOT if she could work some Asian magic and break into my computer or reset it or SOMETHING!!!! She said...OF COURSE!!!
Well she texted me after camp and was liiiiiike, the FIRST pass code I put into your computer was THE RIGHT ONE!!!! I was liiiiiiike WHAAAAAAT??? Howd you know my pass code first try when literally NOTHING came to my mind at all!!!
Anyways, I picked up my computer earlier this week and started writing yesterday morning...
The plan is to go for a few hours every morning and write at a coffee shop... its kinda weird how you have a basic idea of the story you want buuuuuuut more and more stuff just comes to you as you write, soooooooooooo far the story is turning out soooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuute!!! I'm very excited!!!
It's weird buuuuut I've noticed lately that God has been given me more and more inspiration for all kinds of writing...its like ever since I obeyed him about cutting certain things out of my life. Its not even like sinful things, just things that block the extra blessings of God on our lives. It's like, your flesh will try to reason with your spirit that its really not a big deal, buuuuuut then when you FINALLY obey God and cut it out of your life, hiding underneath it all is MORE ANNOINTING from God and you think...Aaaaaah I should've just done this sooner!!!!
AnywayZ, I said all that to say this is my NEXT story..."The Man Who Ate And Ate And Ate!"
Bible Story:Ethiopian Eunach Acts 8
Theme: Hunger for God