After 110 days of hospitalization, my brother was FINALLY RELEASED!!! Thaaaaaaaaaaaank you JESUS!!!!! We serve a miracle working, prayer answering God!!!! 🙏 💕
My brother is still in remission from Leukemia after his relapse in 2021 and should never have it again since he got his transplant this last time. However, there can still be health complications that come from Chemo, that not only destroys cancer, but can damage your overall body as well and also he will always have a compromised immune system from chemo, radiation, the transplant, etc…
He went in early October of 22 because I forget what it’s called, but my cells I gave him attacked his stomach because the doctors took him off his immune suppressant to see if he was still in remission and it just led from one virus 🦠 to another and another, I can’t keep track of everything he had while he was in there! The only thing I remember was at one point he had CMV which I had tested was in my immunity dormant but became active in him, I only remember cuz one of my brothers said it stands for CRAZY MARY VIRUS 🦠 LOL 😝
Then he kept having all this pain and more infections and they finally figured out that he had to get his gallbladder out but they were scared to do the surgery on him because of his health but they finally decided they had to do it for him to ever get better ❤️🩹 Buuuuuuut then they had to ween him off of some medication that stops wounds from healing etc…
Buuuuuuut he had the surgery on February 13th and was able to return home on February 22nd!!!!
Special thanks to Lizzy for being such a gooooooood wife to my little brother!!!! We were blessed when you became a Ginty!!! 🤗 ( plus, when I stayed with him when he was 16, that’s when my weight got up to 408… soooooo better you than me my lovely little sister!;)
And reunited with his kids!!! 🥰
Really we are soooooo thankful!!!! There were times we really didn’t know the outcome, buuuuuuut sorry mom, it looks like you’re going to have to wait a little longer to see your favorite son!!!! 😂
and my oil is at 40% sooooooooo that’s how long he has to fully recover…. I literally almost blew my engine waiting for him to get out in December till I finally broke down and took it to cobblestone!!! The guy was liiiiiike there’s absolutely NO OIL in here!!! Soooooooo yeah…that would’ve been all on you John!!!
.My payment to you for doing my oil is FREE COOKING LESSONS!!!!! Bahahahahaaa;)
♥Mary Frances :)