So one of my friends just recently said she has the best sister everrrr because she surprised her with a ticket to Disneyland!!! I was like awwwww that's SWEET.... Annnnnnnnd I knooooooooow we're NOT SUPPOSED TO BRAG, BUUUUUUUUUUt...
For my 40th birthday, MY BIG SISTER said I could pick anywhere in the USA to go and I chose WASHINGTON DC!!! Cuz heeeeeeeeeey, SELFIE AT THE WHITE HOUSE!!!! Woop, woop!!! and I gotta check out this NATIONAL MALL...the president BETTER HAVE SOME GOOD SHOPPING THERE!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
And then she said, weeeeeellll Since we're in the area, do you wanna go to Amish country in Pensylvania too??? I was liiiiiiiiiiike SUUUUUURE!!!! Then she was like and do you want to go to Sight and Sound theatre too??? I was liiiiiiiiike, SUUUUUUUUURE!!!! Then she was like, well Hershey town is only an hour from there do you want to go there and go to Hershey park too??? I WAS LIIIIIIIIIIKE SUUUUUUUUURE!!!!
Soooooooooooo she is paying for all that, I JUST HAVE TO bring a A LOT OF SHOPPING AND FOOD MONEY for the trip....that's IT!!!!
These are 5 things I’ve ALWAYS wanted to do and I’m getting them ALL IN ONE BIRTHDAY 🥳
1. Washington DC
2. Amish country
3. Sight and Sound Bible theatre
4. Hershey Town
5. HersheyPark
Plus since we're NOT doing that trip till October cuz ya know it's sooooooooo HOT in JULY, she's taking me to THE BEACH IN SAN DIEGO FOR MY ACTUAL DAY OF BIRTH!!!! #Spoiled
Sooooooooo yeah, I'm pretty much totally spoiled over here!!! Soooooooo glad she doesn't turn 50 for 7 more years!!! cuz idk what I'm gonna do for her!!! AHAHAHaHAhAHAHaHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
Soooooooooooo yeah, I don't wanna brag, buuuuuuuuuuuut I ACTUALLY THINK MY SISTER MAY WIN THE AWARD of best sister everrrr!!!! NOT THAT IT'S A CONTEST...I'm just sayin...I do have a pretty awesome big sister!!!
♥Mary Frances :)