Thursday, February 22, 2024

Combining BOTH MARY's!!!

Weird title right??? Okaaaaaaaaaaay let me explain myself, in 2008, my life changed foreverrrr...I STARTED A BLOG!!!! ACTUALLY, I started two blogs!!! After a big heart-break in June of 2006, I stopped writing for several years and one day Sister Bishop Abbott came to me to me with a writing contest in Guidlines (is that the name of it?) magazine and she said she felt I should enter...I didn't WIN buuuuuut in a way I DID because it got me back to writing AGAIN, which Elder Sister Abbott was adamant I needed to do what God designed me to do...WRITE!!!
That year, 2008, was a life-changing year for me, I came out of my gloom and despair and God restored to me MY JOY through using the gift of writing He had bestowed upon me. I started my blogs two blogs, a SERIOUS BLOG, because there is a serious side of me and Classic Mary Moments for WEEEEELLLLL THE FUUUUUUUN SIDE OF ME!!! 
Well as you all know, Classic Mary Moments gained and INSTANT following of readers, literally just by me being well ME, the person God made me to be. Today I average between 2-3,000 hits a day, and NO I still havn't figured out how to make a DIME off of this thang!!! A writer I AM, a MONEY MAKER I AM NOT!!!! BAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! I seriously lack even an ounce of business skills!!!! It also astounds me that I have THAT MANY READERS and I'm STILL SINGLE- I'm liiiiiiiiike God must have a really AWESOME love story for me to have that many people KNOW I'm SINGLE and STILL BE SINGLE, I MEAN REALLLY???? HAS HE NOT BEEN ON HERE YET??? AHAHAHAAA!!!!
AnywayZ, People would tell me that they liked Classic Mary Moments Better than my SERIOUS blog because that was just MORE ME!!! I would think, weeeeeelll then you really don't know me BECAUSE ACTUALLY, they are BOTH ME!!!! I am a HILARIOUS, FUN-LOVING, AWEOME PERSON, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I am also SERIOUS ABOUT LIVING FOR GOD!!!! I looooooove God with everything that is within me, he is my hope, my joy, and MY EVERYTHING!!!! HE is my reason for living, my purpose and fulfillment in life, He is the best thing that have ever happened to me!!!! 
Well after a while, i figured out how to combine both sides of MARY on my one blog of Classic Mary Moments! I basically taught myself how to write devotions and humor stories and sometimes combos of both....BUUUUUUUUUUUT I have a bunch of writing that has been stuck on the other blog and I havc decided that I want to start transferrring all that writing on to this blog and then shuttint that blog down, so I will slowly but surley begin that transfer and as I do I will post that it's a transfer and put the original date it was written!!! 
♥Mary Frances :)