Thursday, February 15, 2024

God’s will to…

Okaaaaaaaaayyyy sooooo you wouldn’t think I’d be sooooooo excited about NOT going to a conference buuuuuuuut I ACTUALLY AM!!!! 
Soooooooo I’ve neverrrrrr gone and Priscilla and I decided that this year we were FOR SURE GOING!!! We were soooooooo gonna GIRL TRIP IT out there together and we had all these plans and I would ask her every few days, You’re still going RIIIIIIIIGHT!!!! And she would say OF COURSE!!!
Weeeeeeeellll then when my sister in law announced she was pregnant I was wondering in my head like UH I wonder who’s gonna watch O now if I’m out of town? Buuuuuuut I didn’t say anything but then my sister was like well what do you think we should do because I can’t take off three days of work and I don’t think we should ask Grace because you never know how she’ll be feeling… sooooo I was liiiiiike idk 🤷‍♀️ 
I mean I don’t really care, I was just thinking about how I had been making sure every few days that Priscilla was still going and NOW I was going to have to tell her that I was NOT GOING! So when my sister asked again what I was going to do I was like I just won’t go I mean it’s really not a big deal and I wasn’t even gonna be able to help with the driving anyways cuz I literally freak out on non-AZ freeways 🛣️ or even non Phoenix highways 🛣️ so I think that was gonna be an issue but anyways I’ll JUST TELL HER!!! 
So I called her Tuesday night on the way to Bible study and I was liiiiiike heeeeeyyyy soooooo…. And she was like ok sooooooo I have to tell you right away that I’m NOT going to be able to go to On Course after all and the reason is…and I could tell she felt really, really bad sooooo I interrupted and I was like ok I can tell you feel really bad so before you tell me your whole story, so you don’t have to feel bad THE WHOLE TIME, let me just first say this, I WAS CALLING TO TELL YOU I CANT GO TO ON COURSE!!! And then we both busted up laughing!!! I was liiiiiike okaaaaaayyyy NOW FINISH telling your story!!! 
AnywayZ, I literally don’t care that I’m not going… i mean, We’re getting a BABY IN THE FAMILY!!! I looooooove babies and I can go hold her ANYTIME I WANT!!! That is literally THE BEST THING EVERRRR!!!!
The only thing I’m bummed about is that I don’t get to hear MY PASTOR PREACH!!! And I’m sure he’ll be devastated that I won’t be there with my Pom poms to cheer him on buuuuuuuut alas, perhaps I can pass them on to his wife, mom and sister to do my job!!!! Bahahahahaaa!!!!
Anyways, I told Priscilla you knooooooow what, I just don’t think God wants us to go to On Course and as long as I’m in His will I am perfectly fiiiiiiiiine with that!!!! 
Besides, how could I everrrr stay mad at Priscilla???
When I was in the middle of a VERY HARD DECISION…
Priscilla was THERE FOR ME!!!
I was liiiiiike about to back out and Priscilla propelled me forward…
To buy this dress!!!!

Noooooo really, it was liiiiiiike 1.5 days before my shopping 🛍️ fast, December 30th and I was on SHEIN when I saw THE CUUUUUUUTEST EVERRRRRR VALENTINE 💌 DRESS and I was liiiiiike, should I get this dress??? And she was like, uh YEAH!!!! And man, when you have friends like that, YOU JUST DONT LET THEM GO!!!! 
♥Mary Frances :)