i wanted to tell you all about the Hide & Seek post i wrote 👇 below! i wrote that in 2013 and as i wrote the part with story of the man and woman hiding and searching for each other, i felt very strongly that i was writing my own love story! i know it’s weird but i truly felt that!!! I always know that when I write that God speaks to me, but I can explain how strong of an anointing from God I felt when I wrote that devotional. There's only been a few times in my life that I literally felt like God was writing through me and that devotional is one of them. I was up in my room into the wee hours of the night and could NOT go to sleep without completing it on my laptop, it's hard to explain, buuuuuuut...I HAD TO WRITE IT!!!!
Recently, a young lady wrote to me about how she had found that devotional on my other blog and how much it had helped her and she said she wanted to be like me. And I was like, AWWWWW!!! Buuuut I told her, choosing to wait in God is a continuous decision that you will have to choose over and over again in your life. I said right now your in your early 20's and it seems like you've already waited FOREVERRRR to get married. I remember how i felt back then, it felt like I had waited my whole life to get married AND TRUTHFULLY, I had!!!
You would think that at the age of 40 it would have gotten harder for me, but to be honest, it's gotten easier to learn to trust in God. The desire I have had my whole life has strongly stayed the same, but not taking circumstances into my own hands has gotten easier because I see how God has looked out for me and taken care of me and kept me and because of that I trust God more now than I did before.
I knew in my early 20's what it was like to have a broken heart and to trust God and to begin to truly work on His kingdom. And from that first broken heart, I also know what it's like to go into my 30's and to continue to do the work of God as I wait and wait and wait and wait and WAIT on God and to see things beginning to come to together in my late 30's and to think FINALLY after all this time of waiting FINALLY it's going to happen and to then see everything once again fall apart.
Yet, I have NO REGRETS choosing to hide my heart in God. I remember when I was younger, hearing a girl say, I'M GOING TO GETMARRIED SOON!!! I will NOT be one of those older single girls. I remember thinking in my head, well I hope you don't do anything STUPID!!! But I watched as she got this really good-looking guy and a gorgeous baby and I was like, MAYBE I should be more like that girl!
But I'll never forget the day we were at a birthday party together and she was holding her baby and she looked so tired and I gave her a hug and said how's married life girl?!? And she looked at me sooooo SAD and she just said, MARRIAGE IS REALLY HARD!!! And I felt soooo bad for her. Then a year or so later her marriage ended and she became a single mom and it was really a sad thing. God worked everything out for her and about 5 years later she met a really good man that loved her and her girl and I can't help but think she could have saved herself a lot of heartache if she had just been willing to BE ONE OF THOSE OLDER SINGLE GIRLS that waited on God!!!
You might look at me and think, your 40 years old and still single, where has waiting on God gotten you Mary? I have NO REGRETS!!! I'm not one of those girls that has a new boyfriend every other year either. I don't need a man to feel wanted, loved or beautiful. I know who I am, I know who made me, who chose me, who died from me and who saved my soul from hell. I know what the word of God says about me. God has been so good to me.
In my early 20's I really pushed a relationship to happen out of desperation to not be left behind as my childhood friends began to get married, buuuuuut I learned my lesson. I have not had a boyfriend since then. I've also learned not to beg God for a guy to like you, because when you see them backslide, you realize that God is looking out for you as a loving and protective father.
It's worth it people!!!! And I can say that right now, I'm 40 years old and I've never been kissed and I have NO REGRETS!!! STILL IN THE WAITING, I'm tell you all, YOU CAN MAKE IT!!!
♥Mary Frances :)