Sunday, July 7, 2024

What is your greatest accomplishment?

Has anyone ever asked you, What is your greatest accomplishment in life???
Last October, there was a family of kids i started picking up for church that we had met the night before at our church’s annual Harvest Festival. On the way to church ⛪️ that first Sunday i let them chatter with me about whatever, the oldest girl started talking to me about zombies 🧟 and then i changed the subject as we got closer to our church and i was explaining to these. kids, who had never been to church before what it was and what we do and what to expect at church. 
And i told them we’re going to sing songs and pray and i was like when you pray you just talk to God and you can say i love you Jesus! And Annabelle just looked at me and said, WHO IS JESUS???
And that literally just blew my mind!!! It’s not very often that i come across a child that doesn’t know at least a little something about Jesus!!! I was just like WOWWWWWW!!! I mean this little girl knows about ZOMBIES, buuuuuuut she doesn’t know who Jesus is!!!!
Buuuuuuuut now, here we are in July and ANABELLE knows who Jesus is!!! She was at Jr. Camp praying and seeking for the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit inside of her!!!
Telling someone that doesn’t know who Jesus is, WHO HE IS!
Every time i get to tell someone about Jesus i’m accomplishing the greatest thing i could ever do in this life!!! There’s no amount of money, no earthly accomplishment, no amount of weight loss, no career, no relationship, no mountain i could ever hike, there’s nothing that will ever amount to being greater than telling someone about Jesus!!! 
♥Mary Frances :)