GirlZ, this is YOUR CHANCE, GET BUCK!!! Hee, hee!!! You knooooooooow from ADVENTURES IN ODYESSY??? YES, at 41 years old, I STILL LISTEN AND I'M NOT ASHAMED!!!
You know how when you like someone and they break up AND YOU KNOW your supposed to be sad for them because that's THE RIGHT thing, buuuuuuuuuut inside you REALLY want to act excited and want to dance around the room and BLOG ABOUT IT???
Weeeeeeeeeeellll this blog post is to make up for ALL THE TIMES I"VE DONE THE CHRISTIAN THING!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!
And NOOOOOOO I'm not interested in Buck, high school is just TOO LOW for me, even I have my limits, Wooton was my ONE TRUE AIO CRUSH.. bahahahaaa, buuuuuuuuuuuut I am REALLY HAPPY that Jules is NOT getting married BEFORE ME!!! (At least NOT YET!!!;)
♥Mary Frances :)