Tuesday, January 28, 2025

What can the devil not do???

Question: What can the devil NOT do???
I was thinkin the other day ALL that the devil will do to try and take away someone's testimony. The devil can take away our joy and our happiness. He can take away our innocence and purity and corrupt our minds. He can take away our peace and hope for our future... He can take away our morals and ethics and rightousness. He can take it ALL AWAY...and leave us empty and broken...he can do all that...IF you let him...
BUT despite ALL that the devil CAN take from you, there is ONE THING that the devil CAN NEVER take from you, he can't EVER take away from you, WHAT GOD HAS ALREADY DONE FOR YOU!!!!
The devil wants to ruin you. He wants to destroy you. He wants make you think that you can't make it. That you've failed, turned your back on God so why even bother. Why keep trying? He wants to take away what God's done for you...BUT he can't. The devil can't ever change what God has ALREADY DONE!!!  
If you have ever obeyed Acts 2:38, repented of your sins, been baptized in Jesus name, YOUR SINS were washed away and the devil can't EVER change that!!! God has already FORGIVEN YOU!!! He has already filled YOU with the HOLY GHOST!!! You may be living a life right now that is away from God, you may need to repent, you may need a REFILLING of the Holy Ghost, buuuuuuuut that STILL does NOT change what God already did for you!!! He has ALREADY brought you salvation!!!  He has already redeemed YOU!!! There is NOTHING the devil can never do to change that!!!
 The devil can't take away the fact that Jesus already paid the price for your sin! The devil can't ever change the fact the he who knew NO SIN, became sin so that we could become the righteousness of God! God ALREADY DID IT! The devil can NEVER change that! What it comes down to ultimately is one thing...CALVARY!!! It doesn't matter what you do or what you have done or what anyone says...the devil can NEVER take away CALVARY!!! Jesus has ALREADY died for YOU and there is nothing, nothing, NOTHING the devil can ever do to take that away!!!
Question: What can the devil NOT do???
Answer: He can't change WHAT GOD HAS ALREADY DONE!!!
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
♥Mary Frances :)