Wednesday, February 5, 2025


If you've ever hiked a mountain, it's a pretty amazing feeling when you get to the top and then you look down. When you look down, you can clearly see every single path and trail and where they lead too. Looking at it all, yo think it would be impossible to ever get lost because every trail is so clear in your to your eyes. 
YET, every time you start the climb down, the clarity of where you are going and what trail to take is suddenly not so clear to you anymore. There have even been a few times i've started to get lost and had to stop and ask another hiker which way to the parking lot...and I think HOW can I not know which wat to go, when just a bit ago every path seemed SO CLEAR to me!?!?
Sometimes in our walk with God, the same thing can happen. We have that mountain top experience with God and every path in life seems so clear...we think we'll never have a doubt or worry again about  where God is taking us on our journey with him. BUT then we come down from that glory high and eventually the cares of life can leave us confused and wondering where to go next.
That happened to me a few years ago. I thought God had told me some things that were going to happen and it all seemed so clear...BUUUUT then LIFE happened and I remember just sitting there and I said God, it all seemed so clear not to long ago, I could see all those paths so clearly, I thought I could never be confused about life again, BUT now here I am at the bottom of the mountain and I don't know what to do or where to turn next. I was on the very paths I had clearly looking down on before, but now that I’m here, I don’t know where to turn next. God, Would you make those paths you showed me before, clear to me once more?
And HE DID!!! You guys, if your confused and your paths seem unclear, just ask God to give you clarity in your life. Not only will he stop and tell you what to do next, He'll take you by the hand and walk with you every step of the way. Don't try and find your way on your own...
STOP and ask the Master Hiker for directions!!!
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

♥Mary Frances :)