This is me and my girl Esther. She came to church on Wednesday and it was sooooo good to be able to spend time with her. It has been over year now since she left and I still miss her. When she came to live with me I never thought I would end up loving her the way I do. I never realized that we would become soooo attached. I never imagined I would cry sooooo many tears over her. I never knew that there would be and aching in my heart after she left. I never dreamed that after all this time I would still miss her, when she only lived with me for 2 and a half months. Yet If I had the chance to do it again, I would, in a heartbeat.
I remember after she left. One day at church I was just sitting there kinda missing her and trying to understand what all had happened. I just kept thinking in my head, she is not my girl, but it feels she is, but she is not, just get over it. After church, outta the blue, my neice Marry Joe, who my sister Theresa is her foster mom, came running over to me. She says to me;
"I am Theresa's baby and Esther is YOUR baby."
As soon as she said that I was like oh, Okay God I heard you! I may only be 13 years older than her. We may not ever live together. It may not make sense, it may seem weird, but Esther and I have an understanding that we will always belong to each other. I love you Esther!!!
This is our story!!!