There is just something about this little girl...Fanta. I know your not supposed to have favorites, but I can't help myself. She isn't the cutest, or the prettiest. Her hair is so short they can't even put it in braids. She is a skinny, scrawny little thing. The first time I saw her I wouldn't have even known she was girl had she not been wearing a dress. She is a wild squirmy, wiggle worm that can't stay still. You wouldn't notice her right away when she is standing with a group of little girls. She just doesn't stand out.
Then she smiles!!!!!!!!!
Her smile lights up the WHOLE room!!! Omw!!! One smile and she had my heart FOREVER!!! Look at that little dimple you guys!!! She is soooooooooooooooo ADORABLE!!! Look at those little ponys all over her head...just like little pom-poms...OMW!!! I know your not supposed to have favorites...but...SIGH...I am TOTALLY guilty!!!!!!!! ;)