"God is soooooooo good to me, I was singing this song the other day, He is soooo good to me, God is soooooo good to me, I CAN'T complain!!! Then I got to thinking about it and I thought you know, actually, I could complain. I mean seriousley. There are quite a few things in my life that I would like to complain about right now.
Then something happened the other day at work that just really pushed me over the edge. I was SOOOO irritated. Just sooooooooooooo incredibly annoyed. On the outside I had managed maintain my calm, cool and collected attitude. However, on the inside I was boiling mad. I was so hot I am surprised they couldn't see steam seeping out of me. Of course there was nothing I could really do but keep my cool in silence.
Now I had made up my mind a while ago that I was not going to be one of those people that blogs all there problems for the world to see. I have a rule, it has to uplift, motivate, inspire, humor, enlighten or challenge one's mind. But after this I decided to break that decision. I was gonna blog about this irritation, mass email about it, twitter about it, text about it and maybe even get on my sister's facebook and facebook about it. I was ready to vent my extreme annoyance to anyone and everyone that would listen.
However, as I was sitting there, preparing to vent, God ran a simple little question through my mind...
"Why complain?"
" Huh?" I heard it again.
"Why complain?"
" Well, because I am like really irritated and..."
"...but why complain?"
"Well, uh, you see, I uh, the reason why is because, uh..."
Then another question...
"What is complaining going to do?"
I thought about this for a moment, I mean really thought about it, but came up with NOTHING. AND I knew that was the answer to the question, it would do NOTHING! Complaining was not going to do me any good. Nor was it going to do any of the people I was complaining to ANY good. When I realized this God asked me one more time...
"Why complain?"
"I said ok forget it, I think I just changed my mind!!!"
You know, its SOOO easy to complain. But really, WHY complain? Why be negative when you can be postive? Why bring another's spirit down, when you can help lift their spirit up? We all have those bad days, life isn't perfect, sometimes we're just gonna feel a little down. BUT why complain?
One of the best ways to get out of feeling down is by making someone else smile. There is a saying that says Happiness is like jam, you can't spread even a little, without getting some on yourself. I realized this the other day when I was upset. I went home from work and thought, hmmm....what should I do?! Really, I just felt like being a grouch. I went to the computer to check my email, perhaps I had recieved and enlightning email from a friend...Grrrr...nothing but junk mail. Well, I guess i'll blog. So I started writing something, it was just a silly, stupid blog, but it was funny. It made my friends laugh and you know what, making them laugh made me feel better.
Yeah, I still had the same problem, but I would have had the same problem if I had been complaining about it to. And by complaining about it to my friends I would have put that same frustration on them, instead I had caused them to laugh, which in turn made me smile also.
So why complain? Sometimes we just expect everyone to be our little venting station. We think that our family, spouse, friends, etc...were made for us to complain to about all of life's little problems. Then we can't understand why people don't want to talk to us and make excuses to get off the phone...the truth is simple, no one wants to hear about all OUR little problems.Yes it's okay to occasionally vent frustration. It's one thing to go to a friend and say that you have something that you really need to talk to them about. That you need their advice, prayer or just some encouragement...it's another thing to just complain...
"My husband just can't pick up after himself... No one at work appreciates me... the neighbor's next door need to mow their lawn... I deserve a raise...my brother ate the last of my favorite cerial... my wife always burns the toast AND her coffee is weak..." LOL Sometimes, I just wanna look at people and say, "I DON'T CARE!!!" I am not trying to be rude when I say this, I mean, we could all sit around and talk about our frustrations...but...WHY complain?!
I got to thinking about it a little bit more, the whole complaining thing. I realized that we would probabley get a lot further with resolving our problems, if we spent as much in prayer talking to God about our problems as we do complaining to everyone else about our problems. Think about it! =) Talk to God about your problems because He REALLY does care!
So the song runs through my mind just one more time. God is so good to me, He is so good to me. His spirit came to me and gave me the victory, God is soooo good to me I CAN'T complain... Well, actually, I still could, I mean, I am still single, I still wish I had more money, a car, a raise would be nice, I really want that one jacket, that ONE camera, and oh, oh,OH, irritating people are still everywhere...BUT...then I think about God's goodness...
I was raised in truth, I am surrounded by family, I have the Holy Ghost, I go to an awesome church, I have a pastor that watches out for my soul and isn't afraid to preach the truth, at least I HAVE A JOB, the bills are getting paid, I have tons of cute clothes, I have friends galore, I have good fellowship and the list goes on and on and on... Sing it one more time...God is so good to me, he is so good to me, God is so good to me, I'm NOT going to complain!!! =)
...whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Phil. 4:8)