Heeey you guys!
Here is a fun little game that is going on at Bordem Buster's
The host of this blog Is Allana Shrekisz (Totally botched that sp!:) She refers to herself as Honduranchicka Since she currently resides in Honduras where her parent's are missionaries. So have some fun across the world and join in this little game! Its fun, easy and gets HILARIOUS!
When the story is OVER i'll post the whole story on my blog!
To play click HERE
Here is the rules...
1. Only one line at a time.
2. You can't comment twice in a row.
3. Be Apostolic.
4. Be Creative.
5. Have Fun.
This is the FIRST line to start out the story....He was a dark and stormy knight, one day he was walking down the mean streets of New York City...