Well, I have been waiting for quite a while to post something about this, but I think ALL of LPC is quite excited about this coming Friday's insallation service. Bro. Davy Abbott is being installed as the pastor of our church and Bro. Abbott is being installed as the bishop of our church. We've all known about it since the church meeting Febuary 14th, but I wanted to wait till closer to ANNOUNCE it! LOL I am SOOOOOOO excited about EVERYONE getting to see our church cause its SOOOOOO beautiful. Also just to let everyone know I probabley won't be posting that much for the rest of the week cause I am gonna be pretty busy helpin get things ready and helpin my mom cook for the minister's dinner afterwards. DUDE, all the ministers and their familes are SERIOUSLEY in for a treat!!! My mom is like the BEST COOK EVER!!! (even better than me! HAHA! OMW! I have this big ol burn on my left hand from cookin my sister breakfast this morning! But she gave me SUCH high compliments on my french toast that it was TOTALLY worth the burn!) So my mom is makin chicken parmesain, fettucine alfredo and I think cheesecake or something! Sooooooooo anyways, yeah it's cool that Davy is gonna be our pastor. He told me that I could call him that till March 19th. Cause I was like callin him Pastor and he was like, "I'm NOT your pastor!" I was like, I thought you were and he was like NOPE...The voting was that I would BECOME pastor on March 19th!" I was like OH does that mean I can still call you Davy till the 19th and he was like YES! So I was like, Ok...Davy! Davy! Davy!!! LOL Tonights the LAST night I can call him that...SOB!!! Anyways, Davy and I had some FUN times when we were in the youth group together!!! HAHAHA!!! I am happy and proud of Davy and Vanessa, that they are taking over...it also makes me feel good to know that this NOW means that he can't get back at me for what I did to him on his wedding day!!! HE has told me for the past 9 years, "Just wait till you get married Mary!" But as MY PASTOR, I don't think that would be proper!!! I also wanna say that I was the FIRST person to ask him a pastoral question...He didn't say yes and he didn't say no...HE JUST ROLLED his eyes!!! LOL I have NO idea why he would respond like that to the OH-sooooooo-serious burden of my heart!!! ;)