It is with MUCH sorrow and a heavy heart that I bring you all this HORRIFIC news...
P.B. Loco Cafe CLOSED
DOWN!!! :'(
(If this article never gets published, it's because, the tears are falling out of my eyes like a river and I might even be drowning in them. Either that OR they fall into this keyboard and cause the thing to crash!) SOB!!!!!! :',(
P.B. Loco was a Cafe/store that sold all different flavors of peanut butter
Growing in up, I thought I was the ONLY weirdo that liked peanut butter and bacon sandwhiches!!!
(No one else in my fam would eat them)
THEN, I discovered P.B. LOCO Cafe at Fashion Square Mall in Scottsdale, where Peanut butter and bacon sandwhiches were ACTUALLY on the menu!! LIKE OMW! WOW!
And they had the coolest flavors ever of favorite was the Cocoa Bananna flavor!
That one was just AWESOME!!! And I used to buy different flavors for all my weirdo friends for Christmas.
Andrew Foster LOVED the cinnamon rasin swirl, my grandpa loved the sundried tomato...SIGH!!!
WHY?! P.B. LOCO?! WHY?!?! I NEVER even got to tell my future husband about you!
HE WAS GONNA PROPOSE TO ME THERE!!! Can't you just imagine...
We're sitting there sharing a p.b. and bacon sandwhich...alll of the sudden he drops to one knee...
"Mar Bear, your the cRaZiEsT girl i've EVER known, but I LOVE your nuttiness! Your sweeter than grape jelly and strawberry jam. I'm STUCK on you Mar, and without you around, my life would be a sticky mess!!!! Please marry me and say that you'll be my nut FOREVER!?!" Awwwwwwwww *Then I start laughing hysterically, choke on the p.b... He does the Himelech manuver, CPR...then I say, YES! (And we finish our sandwhich!)HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
At this time I think it would ONLY be right to take a moment of silence for this INCREDIBLE little place
Okaaaaaaaay I am totally just jokin...
BUT am I really the ONLY weirdo out there that LOVED that little place?!
AM I really the ONLY Weirdo that will miss it?
Well...I suppose that fact that it is CLOSED down is my answer!!! ;)