I learned over the years that if you'll just follow THE RECIPE, exactly, it will turn out right. Not to brag on my self or nutin, ;) but at 26, I think i've kinda gotten there...I mean Denae and Sheree just LOVE my chicken salad. The guys at church LOVE my peanut butter fudge. Mexicans LOVE my tamales! Do you know how HIGH of a compliment it is for me to have (The bishop's wife) Sis. Abbott ask ME for my recipes? To have Bishop Abbott tell me, that if he wasn't already married, he would marry me just for my peanut butter cookies? To have my own mother, the world's greatest cook, tell ME, that she just never could get homemade bread figured out and that mine is soooo GOOD! BUT the ultimate compliment came from my younger brother John (Whom I'm ALWAYS competing with in cooking) text last week, about my burritos...he sent me a text that said...Good! :-) I just about fainted right there on the spot...I even slapped myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming!!! :P
But as I am sitting there, wallowing in my self-glory, I glance over to my stack of cook books. All of the sudden I think, man, WHO WROTE THE COOK BOOKS?!? I mean, I think I am soooooooo awesome, cause I can FINALLY follow what the directions say to do. But WHO wrote the recipe?! Who was the first person to realize, that if you put just the right amount of flour, sugar and eggs, mixed together and cook it, at just the exact right temperature, for the right amount of time, you'll get a delicious cake. I mean, I may be a good baker/cook, but the ONE that wrote the recipe?! NOW thats what I call a MASTER BAKER!!!
Isn't that how we are in life though?! I mean at first we're learning how to just be a Christian. To just live for God. We stumble, we fall at times...BUT...As time goes by we learn that if we'll follow all the directions in the bible we'll do all right. IF we read the book and we'll be just fine. Yet, sometimes we get lost in our own rightousness. We thing we're sooooo wonderful cause we're following everything the bible says to do. We forget that we're STILL just people. We're just a thought, a creation, we don't exist on our own. Everything we are, is BECAUSE of the ONE, that WROTE The Book! It was God that knew, if got some dirt and formed it and breathed his OWN breath into it...it would become a living soul. I don't EVER want to forget that every gift, every talent I posess and life itself comes from God, my creator, MY MASTER!!!
When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers,
the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
What is man,
that thou art mindful of him?
(Psalm 8:3-4)