Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My pastor's birthday!!!

So my pastor was tellin us all at someone's birthday party on Saturday that he just HATES celebrating his birthday!!! LOL!!! Soooooooooooo I'm just like ...Okaaaaaay whatever!!! Cause if there is ONE THING we alll know Mary LOVES to do it'sPaaaaarrrrtttttaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! ;) HAHAHA!!! So I decided that I would give him a present he would LOVE!!! This is what I did...

I knew that he like LOVES brownies, so I made him a big plate of fresh brownies Sunday afternoon.
I wrapped it up in tin foil then typed something up on the computer, stuck it on. Then wrapped the second part and stuck the plate of brownies on top. (The wrapping job was horrific BUT thats typical of a Mary present!!!)

I could NOT wait till after church to give it to him!!!Sooooooooo...after church...I hand it to him...and he is like OH IS IT BROWNIES?! Soooo I'm like yeah, but read what it says... I had typed...

Okaaaay I admit the brownies are TOTALLY just to kiss up!!!
BUT the second present....

He read that part and just busts up laughing!!!
Then he tears open the next part and like DIES laughing!!! It said....

The second part is because your GONNA need this being MY pastor!!! :)
Happy Birthday!



It was pretty awesome!!! He said he's gonna be a new man on Wednesday... said I won't even reconize him!!!LOL!!! Can't wait to see! ;)