Who are the forgotten people among us? So often us singles think of ourselves as forgotten. We're not really sure WHERE we fit in, we're NOT kids, we're not youth, we're not married, we're not in the same classification as the widowed or divorced and I have talked to a lot of single people that often feel like they are forgotten. However, today I was making brownies for an elderly lady in our church and while I was doing this I HAD to listen to AIO at the same time. Coincidentally it just happened to be and Odyssy called "An Encounter With Mrs. Hooper" it was about a grumpy old lady living in a nursing home and as I listened to this AIO that i have heard before I couldn't help but start crying. Actually it was more like sobbin through the whole show...Idk it just touched me. It hit home for me.
We think us young folks have everything to worry about...finding a mate, family, children, jobs, marrital strife, school...what do old people have to worry about??? There life is over anyways...AND maybe that the hardest part for them...they've done everything and now all they have left to do is DIE! I realize that its the old people that are SOOO often the forgotten ones. I can think of an old lady at my church and its like, I wanna give her a hug and say hi to her and then be on my way socializin, but once you say hi, your NOT on your way till about 15 minutes later...but I NEED to learn to give up those 15 minutes for her!They get to the end of their life and they become a hassle to everyone else. They can't get out and around anymore and this frustrates them and that frustrates US AND all kinds of stuff. But the elderly people NEED us!!! We need to love them and take care of them!!! I can't imagine anything sadder, than coming to the end of your life, and dying all alone, without anyone to care....
If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world...
It is our duty to God to LOVE old people!!! I believe that they should be lifted up and held in esteem and honor. I'm praying God HELP ME to love the elderly, give me a burden for them! I want to...I NEED TOO!!! Find one to love... DON'T FORGET THEM!!!
If you have a chance listen to
"An Encounter with Mrs. Hooper"