Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm a NUT!!!

Sooo I was at church this past Sunday and noticed that the Abbott's had put out their old CD that was made about 15 years ago, "Crossin Over" and I thought MAN I haven't listened to that CD in YEARS I should buy a I did! ($10 bucks people if your interested!) SOOOO I DID!!!!

Soooo when I pray in the morning, I like to put on good, Godly music, specifically sung by APOSTOLIC people, not that I don't listen to non-Apostolic singers, I just figure when I pray, I should just listen to Apostolic's cuz I mean after all, I KNOW we have THE SAME BELIEFS!!! And I just like havin the good music to help me get in the spirit and focus on God...

Well with that thought in mind, yesturday morning I went to put my NEW CD on which i had put in the CD player the day before and this up-beaty music that did NOT sound like the Abbott's songs, came BLASTIN on!!! I was like Hmmmm...I don't remember their music quite soundin like this before then on comes the singer sayin...
♪ "I'm an acorn small and round, lyin on the cold, cold ground..." ♪♫♪
I was like HA!!! I don't think THIS SONG is going to get me IN THE SPIRIT FOR PRAYER...even as much as I LOVE THE WORDS TO THIS SONG...
"Pepsi Cola came to town,
Coca Cola shot him down,
Dr. Pepper stitched him up,
now we all drink 7-UP!
I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a NUT!!!
Called myself on the telephone
Just to hear my golden tone
Asked me out for a little date
Picked me up about half past eight
I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a NUT!!!
Took myself to the picture show
Sat myself in the very first row
Wrapped my arms around my waist
When I got fresh I slapped my face
I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a NUT!!!
Stayed too late and said "Let's go"
Took my hand and led me out
Drove me home and gave a shout!
I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a NUT!!!
Hmmmmm...this song kinda like really FITS ME!!!!
♪I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a NUT...that is WHY i'm cracked YOU SEE!!! ♪♫  MAYBE, its NOT to far off of a song for me to listen to before prayer!!! The truth is that without God, I am UNWHOLE!!!
"...for I am the LORD that healeth thee."
(Exodus 15:26) 

♥Mary Frances :)