Monday, September 12, 2011

Youth Alive 2011!!!

Okaaaaaaay soooo it was an AWESOME TRIP!!! After our drive to Burbank from Phoenix, we managed to get lost in the parkin garage headin to our hotel girls were wonderin around some Civic center with ALL our luggage like ummm where is the Sheraton??? Finally I decided to use my mouth and asked an employee how to get there...LOL after the walk BACK we only had about 35 minutes to get ready for church Thursday night!!!

BUT I think our results for 35 minutes were pretty good!!!

Denae says I can always get ready faster than everyone else...I guess its just TALENT...LOL! Actually, I think its cuz I don't worry about PERFECTION!!!
Sooooooooo THIS is what Burbank looks like...I had always wondered!!!

 We're drivin on our way to the Burbank church and I was like OMW this is sooooooo cool...THERE IS A STREET CALLED VICTORY!!! Like WOW!!! I'm like wouldn't that be soooo cool if the church was located on Victory street??? Then Bro. Sam reads the directions and we turn onto Victory street and I'm like OMW I think its on VICTORY STREET!!! and it is and i'm like HOW COOL IS THAT??? Then I'm like, OMW if the church is ACTUALLY on Victory street they should like call it Victory Street CHURCH or something like that!!! And as we pull into the church we all start laughin when we read VICTORY TABERNACLE!!! LOL!!! WOW!!!

To think, a CHURCH on Victory Street, Called Victory Tabernacle, Obviousley Bro. White thought the same idea like THIRTY YEARS AGO!!! Bahaha!!! Two years before I was even born...WOW I guess great minds think ALIKE!!! Of course, I woulda known all this ALREADY if I had ACTUALLY read the Youth Alive Flier!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

CLICK on the link below to read and see the rest...there is LOTS more!!! :)))

First night at Carl's Jr!!! Whoeverrrr said that youth groups like to eat at the expensive resturaunts has OBVIOUSLEY NEVER met our youth before!!! LOL!!!

Seth, Travis, Jonathon, ridin the tram to California Adventure Friday!!!

I'm VERRRRRY excited!!!

Jonathon, Seth, Zack, Travis, Bro. Sam!!!
(Btw- Bro. Sam is in the brown shirt, he is our youth pastor and just for the record, SORRRRY ladies he is MARRRRIED!!!! His wife, my good friend Sis. Janellie Bean couldn't make it cuz she just had an ADORABLE lil baby girl!!! But the rest ARE AVAILABLE!!! SOOOO GET YOUR NETS;)

Liz, Me, Denae, Delora, Sheree, Selena
(We're ALL available too just in case you were wonderin!!! LOL ;))) Btw- isn't my shirt like soooooo CUTE?!?! I LOVE IT!!!

Hollywood house of terror, was THE CRAZIEST, FUNNEST RIDE EVERRRR!!! Although, i'm not to big on like all the weird haunted house stuff, THE ACTUAL ride was soooooooo much funnnn!!! I had NO idea what was going to happen BUT when my chair dropped out from underneath me and I was like literally was sooooo AWESOME!!! I was tellin my sis about it and she was like, I CAN ONLY IMAGINE YOUR SCREAM!!! Thats was LOUD!!! :))) Also, "Soaring over California" is just AMAZIN!!!! Its not scary just sooooo much fun!!! It seems soooooo realistic I promise you if I didn't have that seatbelt on I would soooooooooo have ended up in the middle of the screen durin the ocean waves scene!!!

Bro. Calhoun preached two AMAZIN messages!!!
Bro. White, he didn't preach but he is the pastor and founder of Youth Alive...I THINK!!! LOL But I know he is a really good preacher cuz I have heard him before and I still remember from like YEARS ago this series of lessons he taught at our Bible college about a woman's place and how she shouldn't try and compete with guys or be equal to them cuz she isn't, she is actually BETTER, (Okay maybe the BETTER part is my own words, LOL) But I know Bishop Abbott DOES say that woman are up HIGHER than men like, on a pedastal, and when they try and be EQUAL to men they are actually bringin themselves down...NICE!!! LOL!!! :)))

My BEATIFUL Friend Kendra!!!! I love this girl soooo MUCH!!!
I was sooooooo SURPRISED to see her when she walked in the first night!!! I looked at her and thought to myself OH WOW, that girl is REALLLLY pretty!!! Then I see this white guy walkin in behind her and I'm like, OH and she is with a white guy, that is JUST like my friend Kendra, then all of the sudden it clicks, OMW!!! IT IS KENDRA!!!

Me and cute lil Miss Meagan!!! She is soooo sweet!!!

Me and Christina!!!
Good to see one of my AZ friends!!!
Bloggers REUNION!!!!
LOL Me and Sis. Kathy and Meagan ALL BLOG FRIENDS!!!
She also got to witness FIRST hand a CLASSIC MARY MOMENT!!! LOL!
Me and Yvette, gettin our traditional confrence picture!!! I almost didn't reconize her without LEAH!!! You two better be together at WCC!!! :)))
Me and my new friend Destiny!!!
Awwww she has dimples...I REALLY WANT DIMPLES!!!
Me and another new friend...KIM!!!
LOOK she has such pretty blue eyes!!!

I met Kim at the youth night at YMCA...she kinda like almost drove into me in the parkin lot!!! LOL and me bein the BRILLIANT person that I am, I just smiled and waved like, HEEEEY what a great way to meet new people...HAHA!!! (Btw Kim, IF your readin this, I FORGOT to ask you for your email, but you can email ME at Otherwise cya at WCC!!! :)
ONLY SHE would stop me in the aisle, on my way to a restroom break, durin offerin, to give me a HUG and tell me I look HOT!!! HAHAHA!!! I LOVE HER!!!

Me and Ashlyn!!! REUNITED!!!
Her and her sister, and her mom are all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!! And they all sang soooooooooo gooooood!!!
Me and ANGEL!!!
I was glad to see her!!! I had given her my email at WCC but she lost it BUT this time we both exchanged info!!!!
Awwwwww I realized that I never got pics with Erin, Crystal, Vivian, Alisha(Sp?), Eliana...BUMMMER!!! But we'll have to do it for sure at WCC!!! (Btw- when were hangin out in the Pizza place, that Marvin guy was HILARIOUS!!! We couldn't remember any of the other guys names but we couldn't forget his...we were still laugin about it on the way home... I think he is total Apostolic Male Model material!!! Which BTW- Apostolic Male Model WILLLL be comin back THIS MONTH I already have a guy picked out for the next two get ready girls!!!!!!)

The Choir!!!

Me gettin BORED at the lockin...sooo i said lets go into that dance room, the AC feels GOOOOD in there and with ALLLL those mirrors to look at myself i'll be TOTALLLLLY entertained!!! LOL!!!
AND I WAS!!! :)))
These guys came in and started wrestlin and it was pretty entertainin!!!
Then we met this girl named Shaniqua and she was soooooooo FUNNNNY, she kept us awake and had us laughin till it was to time to go home!!! I would post a pic of her but its on another girls camera cuz mine had died!!!
Sooooooooo here we are the NEXT day at Disneyland on MY FAVORITE RIDE!!!
SPLASH MOUNTAIN!!!!!! It was soooooo AWESOME!!! I had to convince EVERYONE just how awesome it was BUT as you can see they guys are OBVIOUSLEY havin a blast and it was sooo much fun even with the rain and bein SOAKED we went right back on!!!

Awwwwwww here we all are again!!!

Best compliment I got on the trip was from one of the girls that told me she wanted to sit by me on all the rides, cuz just bein by me made the rides FUNNNNER!!! I was like awwww!!! How sweet!!! But IT IS TRUE....I do make the rides more interestin...HAHAHA!!!
Me and this lil bumble elaphant bee....I just thought it was sooooooooo ADORALBE!!!

Billy Hill and the Hillbillies!!!
HILARIOUS!!!! :)))

One last, youth group picture!!!
AND I just want to tell EVERYONE...I'm FROM THE ABBOTT'S CHURCH in Scottsdale Arizona NOT THE GARRETT'S in Glendale Arizona!!! Not that I mind, its a great church, and I have lots of friends from there, and we all chill together a lot, its just NOT MY CHURCH and everyone kept askin me where the rest of my youth group was and I'm like, this is pretty much it!!! And they are like, WOW, what happened to EVERYONE ELSE??? (I guess 11 from like 100 is a HUGE difference...HAHA!!!)
 I'm like well there are a few more at home but thats it and they are like, WOW, but you had a whole BUS FULL last year!!! I'm like BUS??? BUS??? WHAT BUS??? Oh, you must be talkin about the Garrett's church!!!! They are like, Oh your NOT from there???
I'm like NOPE!!! ABBOTT'S!!! ABBOTT'S!!! ABBOTT'S!!! I'm an ABBOTT GIRL ALL THE WAY!!! They have to take full credit and responsibitly for my cRaZy, AWESOME self!!! (Its an HONOR I'm SURE!!!;)
♥Mary Frances :)

P.S. If anyone cares to know my opinion, which i'm sure you are all just DYIN for, I think it would be REALLLLLLY cool if Victory Tabernacle made a day service on Friday next year!!!!!!!