Saturday, October 29, 2011

One Day When I Am BIG...

Soooooo my neice was just sittin here lookin at me admiringly the other day...She is like, I love the way your fingers move on the key board, its soooo pretty!!! ONE Day When I Am BIG...I'm gonna type like that she said!!! LOL I thought it was pretty cute cuZ I used to LOVE watching ladies type...I remember I used to think... ONE day... when I am big...MAYBE I can be that COOOOL!!! HAHA!!! Now, here I am with my fingers flying across the keyboard and I realize that I'm really just a TOTAL DORK!!! HAHA!!! 
Then my neice was like....ONE Day When I  Am you Mary,  I'm gonna have a blog and I'm gonna be postin ALL the time about boys and stuff...just like you!!! I'm like...AWWWWW!!! What an incredible goal in life to be tryin to achieve...hahahaha...glad I could help my niece strive for having a blog...SOME DAY!!!
AND THEN the other day she was like, you know, One Day When I Am Big... I'm gonna have yard sales ALL the time too Mary!!!(I'm like, Oh yes...its an AMAZIN career choice and a GREAT way to make lotsa  money...your gonna be rich girrrrl!!!;)
THEN AGAIN...the other day my neice was like and One Day When I Am Big... i'm gonna be like you Mary...You know ALWAYS talkin to boys on the computer!!! I'm like WHAT??? You think I'm talkin to boys WHENEVER i'm on the computer??? HA!!! I WISH!!!! I'm like trust me love life is not quite that flourishing!!! LOL!!! 
I've been thinkin like...MAN...I'm glad I've taught my neice so many incredibly amaZing things to strive towards as an adult...Typing, blogging, Yard sales AND talkin to BOYS!!! OMW...I've been SUCH an awesome role model!!!
BUT then this morning she was outside with me getting ready for the morning YARD SALE and totally out of the blue she was like, "You know what Mary? You know what I'M gonna do One Day When I am Big??? And I'm thinkin OH GREAT what has she seen me do NOW?!?!?! Soooooo i'm like WHAT?!
She is all, "When I Am Big... I'm going to bring AFRICAN KIDS TO CHURCH!!!" I was like...AWWWWW!!! That soooo touched my heart!!! Now THATS what I'm talking about!!! I may not be perfect, I may not have it altogether and I might be kinda cRaZy...BUT... If I pass ANYTHING on to her that I am proud of, it will be a love for the African people and a burden for the lost!!!
One day THIS is gonna be HER!!!
And when it happens I'll be THE PROUDEST auntie in the WHOLE WORLD!!!
♥ .
"Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest." (Luke 10:2)
We're training up a LABOURER!!!
One Day...
When She Is Big!!!
♥Mary Frances :)