Sooooooo you probabley think that is gonna be a a conceited blog post...WEELLL its actually NOT going to be!!! HAHA!!! But the other day I was thinking about it, I'm just like OKAAAAAY why do people read my blog so much? Why do they keep coming back for more? What is it about my blog that gets me faithful readers? A lot of people have asked me this and how to help them with there blog...AND as I thought about it, I could only come up with ONE THING...that makes my blog flourish...and that is...
I am a faithful blogger. I try and post on my blog EVERYDAY!!! And that is why people keep reading it. I would like to say that it is my funny, cRaZy, off-the-wall, awesome, amaZin, personality that has made my blog what it is...BUT...I really don't think thats what it is. Because, I have been on A LOT of other people's blogs, that write really AWESOME stuff too!!! I have been on blogs that have made me laugh sooo hard with their humor or blogs that the writings have brought tears to my eyes or encouraged me...there ARE many other good writers out there!!!
And I was reading through some blogs the other day and I was like MAN they are a good writer!!! I thought you know, if these people were consistent with posting stuff I think I would feel a bit in competition with them. I mean that in a good sort of way, but I would feel like, OH NO I hope people still keep reading my blog...BUT I don't...AND its not because they aren't a good writer...its because they don't write OFTEN!!! One of the main things I have learned in all the writing classes I have taken is that if you want to be a writer, you gotta WRITE!!! Just just do it!!!
Now is EVERYTHING that I post on this blog life changing posts??? Is EVERYTHING I post so hilarious that you just can't stop laughing??? NOOOOOOO!!! I mean yeah, there are times where I find myself laughing hysterically about whatever I am writing and my sis is in the other room thinkin that truly her little sister HAS indeed lost her mind!!! And there are other times where I am writing from my heart and I honestly can not stop the tears from trickling down my cheeks. And then there are other times where I just write and I its not a big deal but I did it and I posted and its up...I did it even if it was a lame post and feels like a total dud of writing....I was consistent in fulfilling my goal. And thats WHY people keep coming back, because they NEVER know what I'm gonna post next on my blog, BUT they know that something WILL BE POSTED!!!
I know a lot of people that won't post stuff on their blog unless all their punctuation is in the RIGHT place!! And everything has to be just right and look just right and thought out completely and edited and revisted and edited AGAIN and thats great...BUT...If I did that everyday, with EVERYTHING I wrote, I would NEVER have anything posted. BUT I have made a commitment to myself to strive to post stuff about 6 days out of the week. Now, there are times where i'm outta town or really busy and I don't always post but for the most part I am CONSISTENT in my daily writing AND I really think thats what has made my blog what it is...
Please don't ANYONE take this the wrong way, BUT MAN...if some of you fellow bloggers out there would really get going and be CONSISTENT in your oh man, OH MAN...I would really be gettin worried about the competition....because you all are really amaZin writers...but as long as you just keep postin randomly, every now and then...I'm NOT worried!!! :)
AND I was thinkin the other day that this is THE SAME in our Prayer life...the devil isn't worried about the people that pray good...EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE!!! Its the people that have a consistent, faithful prayer life that makes the devil worried.
If you wait for everything to be just right to pray, you'll never pray. If you wait to feel a certain way. If you wait for the perfect setting, the right feeling, you'll be like the writers that are waiting for everything to be just right to post and you'll find yourself only producing a good prayer meeting EVERY once in a while. However, if you want to be a prayer warrior...its simple...YOU GOT TO PRAY!!!
For a while I was praying in the morning and then began to feel soooo
tired at 6:30 am that I thought oh maybe i'll just start praying in the
middle of the day and I would go about doing my thing, cleaning and
such, waiting for the perfect time to pray and I would find that that
perfect time was not ever actually coming, and I realized that I just
have to be consistent. There is never going to be a perfect setting,
BUT there is a perfect God that can meet us wherever we are!!!
In my life, I have tried, I have strived to have a consistent prayer life. And I would like to say that there is NEVER a day that I miss praying, but thats not true. There are indeed days where that I miss praying, but for the most part of I been striving to have a consistent prayer life. But it would be a lie for me to tell you that EVERY prayer meeting is an amazing time with God. There are times where I feel his presence and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I have touched him, but its NOT every time!!! There are times where I feel such a burden and the tears are flowing as I cry out to God, but its NOT every time!!!
My prayer life can NOT depend on my emotions because my emotions are continually changing.There are times where my mind is soooo distracted and I am sooo tired I can't think straight and I can't feel NOTHING and there are other times where I am sooo hyper I can't even calm myself down hardly to pray and there are other times where all I can think about is some totally cute guy...but STILL no matter how I am feeling, I know that if I want to be a prayer warrior, I'm going to have to discipline myself to pray. The Bible says, "Pray without ceasing." (1Thessalonians 5:17)
If I want to do something for God, if I want to make a difference in his kingdom, if I am going to fulfill all God's will in my life, I know that I am ONLY going to get there through prayer!!! There is a saying that says, "Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, the devil says, "Oh NO, she's up!!!: LOL! I love that!!! I want to have the kind of prayer life that makes the devil nervous because he knows that I'm consistently reaching the throne of God with my prayers.
We CAN have and AWESOME prayer life!!! We CAN fight the devil with our prayer lives!!! WE CAN give the devil something to compete with!!! The Bible says...
"...The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much"
(James 5:16)
♥Mary Frances :)