Tuesday, March 6, 2012


We got an update from our pastor, Bro. Abbott, (David D. Abbott) on his father, (Elder Bishop Abbott) He says, My father is doing better this morning. He is off the ventilator and can communicate some. He is still not out of danger. They are not able to close the surgical area yet because of the possibility of too much pressure building up in his abdomen and endangering the transplanted kidney. THey will have to close it slowly a couple of stitches at a time. Thank you all for your prayers! The next little while here is critical!"
Denae says, "He's doing good today. (He's in ICU and in critical condition, but for his circumstances, he's doing well.) They were able to take the ventilator out and he is breathing well on his own."
All of the Abbott family are saying that today AND tomorrow are STILL CRITICAL DAYS!!! Keep PRAYING!!!
♥Mary Frances :)