Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I wish you all could have seen me the other day. I was sooooo EXCITED!!! I was bouncing off the walls. My heart was exuberanltey filled with JOY!!!!!!! It was overflowing out of me...I COULD NOT STOP SMILING!!! Oh MAN!!! I was soooooooooooooo HAPPPPY!!! My sis kept looking at me...she's like oh WOW!!! You have THAT look in your eyes!!!  ITs the look I get when I'm off in my own world...daydreaming...and you can be talking to me...having a conversation with me...and I have ABSOLUTELY NOOOOOOOOOOO IDEA what you are saying...even tho I am talking with you!!! HAHAHA!!! My sis is like now dont be surprised if it doesn't happen yet, you might have to wait a little bit longer!!!

As your reading this, YOU PROBABLEY have already guessed that I was thinking about some guy...RIGHT?!?!?! And IF you guessed that...FOR ONCE...you are COMPLETELY WRONG!!! AHAHAHA!!! I was thinking about someone that I love dearly...COMING HOME!!! I have three people, that I love sooooo much, that are backslidden, and I thought that ONE of these three was about to repent and get their heart RIGHT with God!!!
OH MAN!!! It made me soooooo HAPPPPPY!!! There is ONLY one thing that gets me more exited than HANDSOME, SINGLE, ON FIRE FOR GOD, BURDEN FOR THE LOST, APOSTOLIC GUYS, (Woot! Woot!;) AND that is seeing God transform a life!!! Oh its soooo AMAZING to see a soul saved!!!
And EVEN THO, it hasn't happened yet, I KNOW that MY GOD is WORKING!!! And WHEN IT HAPPENS, GET READY, cuz THIS GIRL IS GONNA GO WILD!!! WILD!!! WILD!! WILD!!! Let me tell you, theres GONNA BE A Holy Ghost PARTAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! I think I feel like I know just a teeny bit HOW the angels must feel...
"Likewise, I say unto you,
there is joy in the presence of the angels of God
 over one sinner that
(Luke 15:10)
♥Mary Frances :)