Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My NOTES!!! :)

Sooooo I was HOUSESITTIN last week for my old boss that I used to be a nanny for her kids. Now let me tell you something about my old boss. She is a very, very, VERY ORGANIZED person!!! She has lists, files, her favorite store is like, The Container Store!!! She is a very accomplished business woman that has won many awards for her wedding and event planning business. I'm talkin about a woman who regularly plans 100,000 dollar budget events and often even the ones that have NO BUDGET!!!  She has it ALL TOGETHER!!! 
ANNNNND then there is ME!!! :))))
The, NOT-SO-ALL-TOGETHER, fun loving wave of cRaZiNeSs!!! I mean, im scatterbrained and airheaded!!! I used to drive her INSANE when she would be going over the schedule with me...sometimes she would be talking to me and would just be like, sooo are you available to work______???? And I would be like Ummmmmmm....and she would be like, MARY!!! WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW!??!
 I would be like, OH SORRY!!! Buuuut in my mind I'm thinkin okaaaaaaay, where was i??? You were talkin sooooo long I got bored and started daydreaming!!! WHERE WAS I??? I was gettin Married!!! I was JUST ABOUT to walk down the aisle...like I was hearing the wedding march, like Dunt-dunt-ta-duh...LIKE HELLLLOOOO....don't you know its RUDE to interrupt a weddin ceromony...I mean like SHE SHOULD KNOW THIS...After all SHE IS A WEDDIN PLANNER!!!! Right??? HAHAHA!!! Sooooo yeah...somehow we still managed to survive five and a half years together...cuz despite my Maryness...I'm a WONDERFUL, adoring, nurturing person that takes excellent care of babies!!! :)))) ANNNND Plus, no matter what... EVERYONE LOVES ME!!! :)))
Sooooooooo she calls me up every year to housesit while they are on vacation annnnnd I know that I am pretty much HER LAST RESORT CALL!!! Like she ONLY calls me if she can get NO ONE ELSE!!! Cuz SHE LOVES ME, BUUUUUUUT I know I drive her cRaZy! I told my friend, I don't know how to explain this BUUUUUUT, Classic Mary Moments just HAPPEN when i'm housesitting...ONLY she doesn't seem to find the humor in them!!! (I would say the top one would be the time i ummmm accidentally left with the cat locked in the kids room and yeah it peed all over the $200 dollar bedspread annnnnd yeah...Why would you buy your kid a $200 dollar bedspread ANYWAYZ??? I mean, thats whaaaat I'm sayin!!!)
Soooo yeah...EVERY YEAR SOMETHING HAPPENS, no matter HOW HARD I TRY to NOT have any Mary Moments!!! Sooooo she texts me a couple of weeks ago and asks if I can house sit and I was like SURE cuz its EASY money and they have a reallly, niiiiice house!!! Soooo she has me come over earlier in the week to go over EVERYTHING!!!
Annnnnd she is like, okay do you want to take notes??? So i'm like ummm okaaaay!!! Sooooo i'm scrounging around in my purse for like a recipt or SOMETHING to take notes down on annnnnd she kinda laughs like, Of course I wouldn't have paper and says, Do you want me to get you a peice of paper? So I'm like ummmm yeah!!! Annnnnnnd she is getting the paper and while she is gone i'm like WELLL at least I can whip out a pen like i'm SOMEWHAT ORGANIZED RIGHT??? Sooooo i'm scrounging through my purse and would you all believe that I had NO PENS IN THERE???? (i just had an over abundance at Heritage!!! Right Hanna??? Didn't i let you choose WHICH cute pen you wanted to use??? two weeks later...GONE!!! ALL OF THEM!!)  Soooo I yell out...ANNNNNNND A PEN!!! 
Soooo she comes back with the pen and paper and starts going over the house stuff...she is like and the TV...OH wait you STILL don't watch t.v. RIGHT?!?!?! I'm like NOPE!!! She is like, "NOT EVEN THE OLYMPICS??? You know like, GO USA!!!" I'm like weeeelll I actually had like NO IDEA that they were even going on!!! She is like Okaaaay i'm just NOT going to say anything!!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! Seriousley,  like I would really care about THE OLYMPICS!!!!! (except I AM enjoyin all the lil games on GOOGLE!!!;) 
Soooo we're FINALLY done going over everything annnnd I drive home!!! When I get home I look at my "NOTES" and just bust up laughing!!! I get in the house and I'm like to my sis, she made me take "NOTES" this time to make sure I don't forget anything!!! Wanna see EVERYTHING I wrote down??? Soooo my sis takes one look at my "NOTES" and just busts up laughing!!! She is like WOW!!!
These were my NOTES!!!
I had ONE THING written down!!!
The alarm code for the house!!! Sooooo Anywayz, I go and do my housesitting and like when its time to leave this time, I set my alarm clock like SUPER EARLY, I go OVER EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE!!!! I make sure ALL THE BEDROOM DOORS are open!!! All the lights are shut off!!! The AC is turned up!!! MY dishes are washed!!!! The Trash is taken out!!! All the animals are fed  and watered!!! ALL the outside doors are LOCKED!!! Then i take all my stuff out to the car annnnnd i go back in to turn the ALARM ON before I leave!!!
I put the code in ANNNND did EVERYTHING EXACTLEY RIGHT...and the alarm doesn't turn on!!! I'm like, Hmmmm thats WEIRD!!! I try in several more times and the alarm STILL won't turn on!!! I'm like...Hmmm...weeeeelll i don't know what to do!!! Thats the code I wrote down ANNNND I gotta leave!!! Its Sunday morning and we got kids to pick up!!! Soooo I leave and send her a text lettin her know that the alarm isn't workin buuuut EVERYTHING is all locked up!!!
No text back the whole day!!! Sooooo I text her the next day and ask if she got my text. She says yes, but the alarm isn't broken!!! i'm like...hmmm...soooo I send her a text tellin her EXACTLEY what I had done...which was PROBALEY not a smart move cuz she texts me and ALL SHE SAYS IS...
I'm like ooooops!!! The thing IS, that I actually have THE RIGHT code memorized in my mind...buuuuut I wrote the WRONG ONE DOWN on my amazin note-takin!!!
Soooooo yeah...

♥Mary Frances :)