Last night Bishop Abbott preached a message at our church called an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE!!! Which I think he has preached something along the lines of that message EVERY year around Thanksgiving time for as long as I can remember!!! Buuuuuut in his message he said something that just busted me up laughing...SERIOUSLEY...everytime i say it in my head just can't help but giggle AGAIN!!! This is what he said...
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I LOVE IT!!! Isn't it sooooo like THE AWESOMEST quote everrrrr?!?!?! LOL Anywayz, this Thanksgiving there is obviousley soooooo much to be thankful for buuuuuuuut I just want to say that I am ESPECIALLY thankful for THE JOY OF THE LORD!!! Annnnnnnnd if you've NEVERRRR read MY FIRST everrrr Classic Mary Moment blog post, you can do so HERE!!! Its my thankful list from when I was 14-years-old!!! Hee, hee! You don't want to miss this!!! LOL!
(Don't forget to smile!;)
♥Mary Frances :)