Friday, January 11, 2013

Insurance Blessings!!!

Sooooo with my amaZing driving skills, my sis decided that it was TIME for ME to stop paying her for my insurance every month and get MY OWN car insurance plan!!! Sooooo my sis is with Geico annnnd we ALL know that Geico is the cheapest RIGHT??? HA!!!
So my sis cancels my van off of her insurance and then I'm talking to them to get my insurance plan! After they get all my info he is like Oh wow! You have an IMPECCABLE driving record!!! I'm like YUP!!! NOTHING ON MY RECORD...its completely CLEAR!!! (Thanks to TRAFFIC SCHOOL!!!:) they tell me that it will be $80 a month for JUST LIABILITY.... i'm like whaaaaat??? I was only paying $50 a month on my sister's plan! My agent is like, ma'aam thats a VERY LOW price is there something you have a question about????
I'm like, well yes! You see my brother and his wife just have liability for TWO cars and its only $90 a month. He is like, Oh weeeeeelllll that is probabley because they are married!!! (In my mind: Ooooo NOOOOO YOU DID NOT JUST SAY MARRIED PEOPLE GET A BETTER DEAL!!!) I'm like, wait, soooooooo you Geico discriminates against people cuz they're SINGLE??? (Isn't that called like SINGLECIST??? You know, Racist, Sexist??? SINGLCIST??? LOL)  He is like, Well no ma'aam, its just that they probabley have a family plan which makes their rates cheaper! I'm like soooooooooo basically what your saying is that in order for me to get a cheaper rate, I NEED to get a HUSBAND??? (Keep in mind since you can't hear my voice I was joking with the agent NOT being rude!) He starts laughing and is like, NO Ma'aam!!! You are STILL young (I am???)  and have a lot of life ahead of you... YOU don't NEED to be tied down yet! ( I don't???;) 
I asked my brother about it and he said that Geico was KNOWN as being the cheapest insurance company and my sis said the same thing, soooooooo I was going ahead with it, $80 a month...Grrrrrrr!!!! And my agent was like, okay I need your license number...soooo I give it to him...he says he needs the date on the license that I got my license...soooo I look and it says March 2010...
I tell him the date and he is like, so now this date that your giving me on your license, this is when you got it renewed? I'm like HUH? He is like, you got it renewed when you were 26? I'm like, Uh nooooo...thats when I got my license...for THE FIRST TIME!!! There was a looooong pause...I felt like he was wondering WHY I didn't start driving till I was 26 sooooo i'm like....yeah...I'm kind of a LATE BLOOMER!!! (Sooooo I waited ten years AFTER the legal age to start driving...big whoopity-do-da! Have I mention that my mom has also been VERY against the idea of ME driving...pretty much since before I was even concieved...LOL!!!) He says, so what your saying ma'aam, is that you didn't start driving till you were 26???
Ooooo annnnnnnnnd as SOON as he asked me that question I KNEW that if I answered it HONESTLY my insurance rate was going to get EVEN HIGHER!!!! I hesitated....Oooooo I can't like to you was sooooooo TEMPTING to lie for a cheaper rate....buuuuuuuuut I knew I was NOT going to lie...I was like, YES! Thats what I'm saying!!!
He is like oh ma'aam that is going to change EVERYTHING!!! For some reason we had it in our system that you have been driving since 1999!!! (1999??? Okaaaaaaaay that was like FOREVERRRRR ago...WHY would they have that date??? what in the world was I even doing back then I have NOOOOOOO CLUE!!! LOL) I'm like, WHHHHHYYYYYY??? He says, because that means you ONLY have three years of driving experiance!!! (NOOOOO I've had my license for three years...buuuuuuut... actually I ONLY have 6 months of driving experiance!!! Cuz ya know...I was a late bloomer buuuut I wanted to get it soooo that I didn't feel STUPID when people asked me if I had my license yet....buuuuut then I was waaaaaaaaaaaay to scared to ACTUALLY use it till I was kinda forced to this past May!!! LOL) So he is like just a minute ma'aam while I redo your plan!
So he redoes it, gets back on and is like, Ok, it has gone up a bit, buuuuut ma'aam this is STILL a really low rate, your new rate is $127 a month! ME: OMW!!! Thats like INSANE!!! Between paying for gas, my iPhone bill, the gym and insurance...there goes ALL MY MONEY!!! Buuuuut heeeeey at least I would lose some weight cuz I would have like NOOOOOO MONEY to buy food!!! HAHAHA!!! Okaaaaaaaaaay I may be exaggerating slightly buuuuuut still!!!
He is like are you ready ma'aam to get  your insurance, sooooo I hesitated and I was like ummmmm....hold on a sec...soooo I tell my sis and she is like WHOA thats really, really, HIGH!!!  I was like so what do you think??? Should I do it??? She is like, I don't know, I guess its up to you, do you WANT to drive or NOT??? Buuuuuuuuut you can NOT drive around AT ALL without insurance!!! Soooooooo i get back on with him annnnnnd I was just about to say YES, lets go through with it...mainly cuz I couldn't bare the thought of going ONE WHOLE day without my independent freedom...buuuuut THEN Idk...I decided against it!!! I was like, ummmm you know, I think i'm just going to call around and see if I can find something for cheaper!
He was like, Well ma'aam we can save this rate for you but we ARE known for being the cheapest insurance company, I was like, yeah, weeeeelllll...I think I'll just WAIT!!! Annnnnnd when I got off the phone tho I was feeling sooooooooooo BUMMMMMMMED!!!! I mean, I couldn't  help but feel like BEING HONEST was costing me to pay MORE!!!!!
I called my mom and she said that it WAS really high buuuuut that it WAS true that I didn't have much driving experiance or that I had ever had insurance before and all this stuff...she was just like well its up to YOU!!! So I was driving with my sis and she was like well it sounds like thats the best deal your gonna be able to get cuz I had called ANOTHER place and it was even HIGHER!!! I was like, yeah...I guess so!
So we were talking MJ and Ash to eat at Burger King before church on Wednesday night and while we were sitting there i got on my iPhone and googled Geico....
Sooooo I look at my phone and see the websites for geico buuuuut I figured that it would be easiest to just click on the link on my phone that had the number so that my phone would just automatically call Geico! Sooooooo its like REALLLY loud at Burger King and I can't hear what all the answering macines is saying but I finally hit the right numbers to get in touch with an agent! i'm talking to this lady and I tell her that my info is already saved and she is looking it up and she says sorry but NOTHING is saved for you!!!
I'm like oh okay well I guess we can just REstart!!! Sooooo she takes all my info and tells me that my rate is going to be $67 a month!!! I'm like OMW!!! Sooooooo EXCITED and I was going to get my insurance buuuuuuuuuuut I didn't have the registration with me!!! Awwwwwwww MAN!!! Sooooo she tells me just to call back later cuz they are open 24/7!!! Soooooo I tell my sis the rate they gave me and she is like, DID they know how long you've been driving?!?! I was like, IDK...buuuuut they didn't ask me either....soooooo its NOT like I lied!!! Buuuuuut I still have to wait till after church and see if I still get the rate!!!!
Annnnnnnnd the whole way home in my sister's van I'm just like PRAYING that God would let me still get this cheaper rate!!! I decided that I should REMIND God of all the reasons WHY I should get a cheaper rate!!! I'm like
God I was...
1. I was HONEST!!! God YOU KNOW, that I easily could have lied....buuuuut NOOOOO!!! I told the truth!!!
2. Its NOT my fault I'm NOT married!!! I don't really think its FAIR that my singleness is being used against me for a HIGHER RATE!!! I'm like GOD, I'm single BECAUSE OF YOU!!! IF I really wanted to be married, just to be MARRIED... I COULD BE MARRIED!!! Buuuuuut NO GOD, I'm waiting ON YOU annnnnnd I'm seeking YOUR WILL for my life!!! I'm like God, I don't even FLIRT TO CONVERT!!!
3. Annnnnnnnd last of all...GOD I use my van to BRING PEOPLE to church!!! And while I don't mind at all doing this and I LOOOOOOOVE having the opportunity to do this, I ALSO thing that you should take it into consideration for helping me to get a better rate!!! 

Weeeeeelllll as soooooooon as I got home from church I called back the last number I had called on my phone and i'm laying on my bed listening now to the answering machine for GEICO and as I listen I hear WELCOME TO ALLSTATE insurance!!! I was like OMW!!! Nooooooooo waaaaaaay...its a completely different company!!!
Sooooooo I get to talking with the agent and OMW....I ended up with the SAME rate $67!!! Which was ACTUALLY ten dollars CHEAPER than IF I had lied to the Geico agent!!! When she gave me the quote i was ACTUALLY blowing kisses to God...FOR REALZ!!! LOL She was like, Welcome to the Allstate family!!! I was like YAAAAAY!!! Then me and her started talking to each other annnnnnnnd in the end I told her about my blog and she was going to go check it out right then and there as soon as we hung up....sooooo SHOUT OUT to my Allstate agent (if your reading this feel free to email me!!!) God is GOOOOOOD annnnnd.... Your doing an AWESOME job!!! :)))) 
AnywayZ, I totally think that GOD was guiding my finger on my phone cuz ALL the other links on my phone were for GEICO....buuuuuut... I just happened to hit Allstate!!! You can't tell me that WASN'T GOD!!! See you guys,  I thought because I was HONEST I was going to have to pay MORE ....buuuut really.... because I was HONEST ...i ended up with an even BETTER deal!!! 
♥Mary Frances :) 
P.S. I didn't even have to get a husband either for the the cheaper rate!!!!!! ;) 
P.p.S. It REALLY would be cheaper tho IF I had a husband...NOT just cuz of the insurance going down BUUUUUT because HE WOULD BE PAYING MY BILL!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!!