Sooooooo recently, I have been having some really bad acne break outs on my face annnnnd its been driving me cRaZy!!! Like ANY normal female, I don't want nasty marks all over face...UGH!!! It seemed like NOTHING was working, until I tried Pro Active then it started keeping my zits away...buuuuuuut recently...EVEN Pro Active wouldn't work on my face!!! It was like, one zit would heal up and go away and the very same night another one would show up...I was GOING INSANE!!!
I mean I'm ALMOST 30 years old, WHY am I still getting acne??? I mean, I ENJOY people thinking that I am younger than my age....buuuuuuuuuut...the WHOLE no acne thing is definatley something I wouldn't mind kicking in with my age!!! There is just NO explaination to me for WHY i'm getting acne...I'm washing my face twice a day with pro Active, i'm eating healthy...I JUST DON'T GET IT!!!
Well last week I was beyond frustrated, and I'm sitting in the living room with my sis, MJ and Daisy and i'm just like, YOU GUYS, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??? Why won't these zits GO AWAY??? My sister was like, you wanna know WHY they won't go away??? I'm like WHY??? She is like, CUZ YOU WON'T stop TOUCHING THEM!!! Daisy and MJ were like, YEAH!!! You won't stop pickin at your face...Okaaaaay yeah...I was TRYING to make them go away myself!!!
THEY were all like, if you would just LEAVE YOUR FACE ALONE they would go away!!! Annnnnd they all were telling me like HOW many times they had watched me tough my face JUST while we were in the room at that moment!!!
Sooooooooo Im like okaaaaaaaaaaay FINE!!! Ima TRY and stop toughing my face!!! Annnnnd man those girls were ON ME!!! Any time my hand would go NEAR my face they would say something...I think Daisy even elbowed me a few times during church on Sunday...LOL!!! Buuuuuut yeah...I pretty much left my face alone...slowly the pimples started fading away annnnnnnd....
I woke up this morning with a CLEAR FACE!!! YAY!!! i'm sooooooo HAPPY!!! Very thankful for CLEAR SKIN!!! HAHA!!! NO REALLY...I AM!!! :)
Buuuuuuuuuut it really got me thinking about LIFE!!! Sometimes there are things in our lives, hurts, disapointments, failures, mistakes, wrong that was done to us, things that we WISH we could erase and forget about, BUT they just WON'T go away!!! You don't understand whats wrong with you, you fast, you pray, you read your Bible, your living a holy and pure life unto God, WHY won't this one issue just be dissolved???
It seems like NO MATTER HOW hard we try it won't go away... We can't get over it...soooo we pick at it...we mess with it...we TRY to FIGURE it all out...buuuuuut we can't and no matter how hard you try, everyday when you wake up, its still there!!! The memory STILL haunts you!!! Every time you look in the mirror you remember and once PICK at it!!! You question what was JUST about to heal...buuuuut then you touched it again!!!
Sometimes there is NOTHING else you can do, you just NEED to leave it ALONE!!! Its NOT our place and NOT our job to know EVERYTHING!!! We don't NEED to try and figure it all out...JUST lay it at the feet of Jesus and don't ever pick it back up again!!! GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE!!! Any time your about to think about it, just tell yourself, NO, I gave it to Jesus!!! Anytime your about to touch it, just focus on something else!!! Understand, that you don't need to know and comprehend EVERYTHING that happened for you to be healed...You just gotta leave it alone and TRUST IN GOD!!!
I remember a time in my life where I was hurting sooooo bad...I couldn't understand and I kept trying and trying and TRYING to figure it all out! Sometimes we just have to understand that God wants to protect us!!! Buuuut I couldn't see that...I would question everything and try to find out answers and the more I tried to figure it out, THE MORE FRUSTRATED I would get!!! What I didn't realize at the time was that I didn't NEED to know everthing...I was starting to heal...buuuuuut then I would start picking at the scab and the WOUND would become open all over again.
But one day, I just let go! I stopped trying to figure it all out...I stopped questioning everything that had happened and I just began to focus on the goodness of God! And I don't know exactly when or exactly how, but one day, I woke up and everything was clear to me now, and the hurt in my life was gone...just a distant memory... a thing of the past...I have to squint my eyes to see if it REALLY even happened...a faded scar...
Do you believe that God wants to heal you from WHATEVER it is in your past that is still hurting you?! Trust me, God does! He really, really, truly does WANT to heal YOU!!! But you need to do do your part!!! You need to stop touching it! Stop dwelling on it!!! Stop picking at it to make it go away!!! The ONLY way its gonna go away is IF you just LEAVE IT ALONE!!! Instead, what you need to do, every time you start trying to figure it all out, you need to start praising Jesus!!! Worship the Lord and if you do this, I promise you, ONE DAY, your gonna wake up and your mind will be cleared...THATS what my GOD did for ME and thats what MY GOD WILL DO FOR YOU!!!
"Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed;
Save me, and I shall be saved,
For You are my praise
♥Mary Frances :)
For You are my praise
♥Mary Frances :)