Thursday, February 14, 2013


Sometimes I JUST WANT to lie...WEEEEELLL...NOT really LIE buuuut...sometimes I just want to be able to tell people, I'm MARRIED!!! Okaaaaay... Let me explain myself!!! Soooooo I wrote my WHOLE gas station incident for you all HERE ... Sooooo Idk WHAT it is about me and gas stations but awkward stuff to do with being single ALWAYS happens...
A little while ago I was getting gas and i'm walkin out and this man holds the door for me and I'm like, Oh thank you! So then I'm walking away and he is like have a good night and I'm like oh yeah you too! Then he is walking ahead of me and kind lowers his voice and says, STAY PRETTY! I'm like, ummmm...Okaaaaay...sure...(I mean, its NOT like i've plannin to go get myself ugly or sumthin!) So then he lowers his voice a little more and says, SINGLE??? I'm like ummmm...20 second pause while I TRY to think of something that is NOT a lie...ummmmm...God WHAT should I say???...uhh...drawing a BLANK...God's just totally SILENT....ummmm... finally...oh, Yeah I am... He comes flying OVER TO ME!!! CAN I GET  YOUR NUMBER??? Without EVEN HESITATING, i'm like, NO! He is like No I mean I'll call you we can meet up...I'm LIKE NO THANK YOU!!!
Soooo meanwhile my sis is in the van like HYSTERICALLY laughing at me! She is like LOOK...your gas attendent guy is just STARING out the window trying to figure out whats going on!!! I'm like OH WOW!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! Soooo I'm like OMW this is sooooo awkward!!! There are TWO things going through my mind at the moment: 1. WHY can't the Apostolic guys be THIS excited about my singleness??? annnnnnd 2. I just can NOT wait for the day, when something like this happens and I can just LOOK at them and say, Actually, I'm MARRIED!!! Ooooo that will be sooooooo AWESOME when I can say that!!! (Don't worry, I'll write a post about it when it HAPPENS!!!;)
Sooooo my sis tells my brother John what all happens the next time he is over at our house and he is just kinda shaking his head laughing...he is like, I say you JUST get a ring and start breaking it out every time you go get gas somewhere!!! LOLOLOL!!! Don't worry he was TOTALLY JUST jokin people!!! Buuuuuut then HE DID go into that serious, protective brother mode and says, REALLY tho Mary, I say that when these guys ask you IF your SINGLE just start saying that your MARRIED!!! I'm like YEAH...buuuut...I don't wanna lie...I mean my has been telling me recently HOW MUCH the Bible talks about LIARS and how God puts them in the SAME place as a murderer...NOT that i'm having issues with LYING EITHER PEOPLE!!! HAHA!!! Sooo i'm just like hmmmm...
Well on our way to the youth rally last month I was telling the girls in my van the story and they're like ALL laughing and stuff! So then I'm telling them what my brother John had said about just saying i'm married when stuff like this happens BUUUUUT I feel bad about lying...Soooo DENAE says, WEEEEELLL instead of saying that your married, just tell them that you are TAKEN!!! She is like, because I mean, really its NOT like YOU are available FOR them AND you ARE taken by your FUTURE HUSBAND!!!
I'm like, Ooooo THAT IS TRUE!!! I mean really, I MAY be SINGLE, buuuuuuut I AM TAKEN!!! I'm NOT available to ANYONE except that ONE special person that God has for me!!! Annnnd even though I may not know who he is, I AM RESERVED for him!!! When I was 16-years-old, a sophmore in high school I wrote this poem in my creative writing class...

13 years have come and gone since I first wrote this poem...buuuuut I STILL feel the same!!! My heart is LOCKED!!! I'm NOT available for ANYTHING buuuuut God's perfect will for my life!!! We don't need to live with an, "I'm AVAILABLE!" mentality!!! We need to live with a RESERVED sign on our hearts!!! I'm NOT saying that we should all go lock ourselves in a room, I just mean that WHEN we do socialize and WHEN we do mingle and WHEN we do FELLOWSHIP, we should go about doing it with a certain reservation about us. 
When we talk to another single young person, we need to keep in mind, I'm TAKEN, and if this person i'm talking to right now is NOT the one for me, I am ACTUALLY talking to ANOTHER person's future spouse! There should be a carefulness about us, Like, i'm TRYING to see if this is THE ONE, buuuuuut if they aren't, I don't want to do or say anything that I would feel bad about or regret in the future. 
I want to live in a way that when we see each other later on at church conferences and meetings, and we're with our OWN SPOUSES, we can all look at each other WITHOUT EMBARRASSMENT or SHAME and say, "Praise The Lord Brother! Or "Good to see you Sister!" Because really, if THEY'RE not our spouse, THEY are our brother and sister's in Christ!!! 
Lets live like we are TAKEN  young people!!! We may be talking to someone, we may be seeing if this IS in fact the one that God has in store for us, we may be seeing if there is indeed that SPECIAL connection, that lil CLICK where everything just fits all together so perfectly, buuuuut while i'm finding out, I'm being careful, BECAUSE I'm TAKEN!!!
I can't quite read the writing, I can't quite read what it says yet, BUUUUUUT the name of my future husband has been engraved on my heart!!! I am waiting for him, my HEART belongs to him!!!
I may NOT be married...
 BUUUUT I am TAKEN!!! :) 
ABOVE all else, I am taken by GOD!!! 
My heart belongs TO JESUS...
 cuz he save my soul from HELL!!!

"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
♥Mary Frances :)