Weeeeellll...Singles week IS officially OVER...buuuut don't worry...I still have MUCH MORE to write about...sooooooo we'll do it all again in March!!! Soooooo how was everyone's Valentines day?! Mine was AWESOME!!! Filled with lots of LOVE, FUN annnnnd GOOOOOD FOOD!!! HAHA!!!
Then for lunch I went on a little date...WITH MYSELF...hee,hee...really thoe people...I Honestly could NOT have asked for a HOTTER DATE..woot! WOOOOOT!!! ;)
It started off with MJ waking up in the morning with a FEW Valentines gifts!!! HAHA!!
This is what happens when your the ONLY child of a SINGLE mom and SINGLE aunt and the long awaited MIRACLE and answer to your families prayers!!! You can read her story, "When God Gives You A Home" HERE!!! The best LOVE STORY EVERRR!!! :)
Soooo I took myself to this lil truck stand in the parking lot of PV MALL called, Q UP! Barbeque! It was sooooo goooood!!! Check them out!!! www.QUP-BBQ.com There motto is, "Bringing Bomb Diggity BBQ to the streets!"
Anyways, I ordered the weirdest, funkiest grilled cheese sandwhich everrr!!! It was a grilled cheese sandwhich, with pulled pork and bacon mac and cheese IN it!!! With there BOMB DIGGITY BBQ sauce to dip it in!!! It was REALLY good...WEIRD...buuuuut waaaaay GOOD!!!
Then at night I went with my mom, my sis, and MJ to a chinese resturaunt in Scottsdale called Flo's!!! Check it out HERE!!! What I highly recommend to you all is the Chicken Lo Mein...remember its LO MEIN not CHOW mein...the Lo mein...its just PURE AWESOME!!! Also The fried rice and chicken spring rolls! And Wonton chips with sweet and sour dipping sauce!
Also, Flo is a friend of our family friends the Chang's, so we actually met her and said we knew the Chang's! She was sooooo NICE and before we left she gave us ON THE HOUSE a plate of Chocolate Wontons!!! AND you alll know how I feel about CHOCOLATE...YUMMMM! Next time we're trying the banana spring rolls for dessert!!!
Annnnnnnd then this is what my fortune cookie said and BEFORE I opened it I said, Okay God, tell me something about my FUTURE HUSBAND....and this is what MY PAPER SAID!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! My sis was laughing at me!!! I was like, okaaaaaaay I GET IT GOD!!! Then while we were sitting there waiting for our bill...this HUGE SNEEZE escaped out of me...AND ya all...I TRY to be dainty about my sneezes...buuuuut I can't help it...there like EARTH SHATTERING!!! AHAHAHA!!! So the whole resturaunt like SHOOK...sorry to disturb anyone on a ROMANTIC Valentine's day!!! AHAHAHA!!! Buuuuut this man that was standing there with his date just gets this HUUUUGE smile and his face and his whole face just lights up...he's like, NIIIIIIIIIIICE!!! That was sooooo AWESOME!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Then he just proceeds to start talking to me...
I was like, Okaaaaay...And I noticed he had a very unique accent so I'm like where are you from and he says that he is from Finland! I'm like OH wow! Then he asks me where I'm from and I'm l just like, OH just right here!!! My mom is like, NO we're NOT!!! WE ARE FROM NEW YORK!!! He is like, AHA!!! I knew you wern't just from HERE and New York is pretty much an whole other country...I was like, WOW...do I really sound DIFFERENT then the rest of the Arizonans?!?!? Sooooo then I get up and he sees my shirt...its the one in the above pic...that says, LOVE in green letters and he says, I LIKE THAT!!! Aaaaaahhhh LOVE...thats ALL WE NEED!!! I'm thinkin yeah annnnd like SOMEONE TO ACTUALLY LOVE wouldn't hurt either!!! AHAHAHA!!!
Last of all... I want to say CONGRATULATIONS to my beautiful, sweet friend Kimberly Garrett, who ACTUALLY got engaged on Valentine's Day!!! Sooooo happy for you friend...
You were FINALLY FOUND!!! YAY!!!
Thats NOT just happiness...thats JOY...
♥Mary Frances :)
P.S. Kim, you STILL owe me an email...and NOW a phone call!!! LOLOLOL!!!