Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Soooooo I just got really, really, REALLY SUPER CONVICTED!!!!! Ahhhhh!!! Soooo the other day, Saturday I believe it was, I wrote a post called FAMILIAR weather...annnnnnnd...basically it said that the weather was HOT...like me!!! Annnnnnd as SOON as I posted it I felt CONVICTION!!! Buuuuuut I was like, whaaaat? Naw, i'm just over thinking it!!! I've ALWAYS referred to myself as HOT and have NEVERRRR felt conviction about it...sooooo I just went on my merry way and tried to FORGET about it...buuuuuuuut several times it HAS INDEED crossed my mind AGAIN...
I was even praying the other morning for CONVICTIONS, God show me if there ANYTHING in my life that is NOT pleasing to you...I remember the scripture about there being NO guile found in Jesus...God don't let there be ANY guile found in my mouth...annnnnnnnd THE ONLY thing that went through my mind was THAT BLOG POST!!! I was like, naw...sure God is NOT convicting me of referring to myself as HOT...i've used that word since like FOREVERRR!!!
So THEN today, like just a little while ago I was listening to Holy Ghost radio and Bro. Phil White was preaching and the WHOLE message was about David and his conviction of praise to God, then at the end and I don't it really had all that much to do with his actual message, Bro. White starts talking about being at a youth conference and a young man got up and sang. THEN after the service he watched the young man walk up to a group of girls and you could tell that he thought he was ALL THAT...and he walks up to them and tells this one girl, "You are soooo HOT!!! And every time I see you, you just get Hotter!!!" And then Bro. White just went off preaching about using that kind of terminology and that we don't need the world's lingo!!! annnnnnnnnd OH MAN I felt CONVICTION!!! HOT CONVICTION about using that word!!! i was like sooooo that WAS YOU GOD, tellin me not to say it!!! 
Sooooo yeah, I took down that blog post and plan to remove it out of my vocabulary!!!Actually, I used to use the word Sexy...THEN I got really convicted about that!!! It was Alyssa Wilkins that got me convicted about that word!!! This was a LONNNNNG time ago, buuuuut she didn't hear me say it or NOTHING, she just went off about some girls liking being called that and how its a horrible word to be called and blah, blah,blah....soooooooo then I went and looked the word up for my self and was like, yeah...I shouldn't say that annnnnnnnnd I never have since then...If you find yourself using that word you should REALLY look it up in the dictionary, its a pretty nasty word to be referred to as...annnnnd I've even heard people say that they don't like the word HOT and I've never argued it, I just said I've NEVER felt convicted about using it...I said that IF God ever convicted me about it I would STOP saying it...and I HONESTLY NEVERRRR have...UNTIL SATURDAY!!! 
I think that the word HOT is basically a replacement, word for Sexy...kinda like a by word but it basically means the same thing!!! Soooooo yup...Its gone from now on...I know i've said it like a MILLION times on this blog sooooo I'm not gonna go through all 5000 of my blog posts...buuuut just know that from here on out I won't be saying it...Even tho...i did have one REALLY funny blog post that I never did write...LOL...Oooo well I want God's favor above peoples!!! :) Now I'll just have to stick with using the words BEAUTIFUL and GORGOUS!!! Can't decide which one I like BETTER...pray for me!!! AHAHAHA!! ;) 
♥Mary Frances :)