Monday, May 27, 2013

I'll just be a white crayon!!!

Sooooooooooo I guess after my post last Sunday about getting about as much attention as a WHITE crayon
 God decided to let me be GREATFUL for my white crayoness!!! HAHAHA!!! God's like, OH so you think your NOT getting enough attention??? I'll let you learn to be GREATFUL for that!!! LOLOLOL!!!
It started on Monday when the 50- 60 year-old bus driver picking up one of the kids I watch complimented me on the flower in my hair and told me I looked good! Not a big deal...kinda sweet actually, buuuuuut it went down hill from there and just got creepier and CREEPIER as the week went by!!! AHAHAHA!!!I'll just give you all a FEW of the inccidents that happened!!!
Soooooo Friday I'm having a yard sale and a Hispanic granfatherly like man comes walking up to my yard sale! He's lookin at all my stuff and he and its like A LOT of kids stuff!!! He's like WOW! Lotsa kids!!! I'm just like, oh yeah...he's like WOW you REALLY have  A LOT of kids!!! I'm like, oh well none of them are really actually MINE...I'm just the aunt!!! HE's like, OH so you have no kids of your own? Not really thinkin ANYTHING of this question at the moment, considering he's a grandpa in my mind, i'm just like NOPE!!! NO KIDS of my own!!! Theeeeeeeen the creepiness came in...AHAHAHA!!!
He's like sooooooo NO HUSBAND THEN???? I'm like still in the DENIAL stage of this conversation...LOL...Sooooo i'm like, ummmmm...loooooong husband! He's like, soooooo NO KIDS and NO HUSBAND??? I was like, uh yeah... he just stops what he is lookin at and just STARES AT ME...this is when my heart shaped sunglasses go OFF The top of my head and OVER MY EYES!!! I woulda gone to talking to another customer except he was the ONLY one there at the moment...OF COURSE!!!
He's like...WOW, NO KIDS and NO HUSBAND!!! (I guess it don't get ANY better than that eh??? I'm just a STEAL OF A DEAL!!! BAHAHAHA!!!) Sooooo he just straight up stares at me for a few more moments and mumbles a few more times...No husband!!! MJ, who is helpin me run the yard sale leans over and loudly whispers, Ummmm...I think he thinks your pretty!!! Like, really, YA THINK??? Thanks for helping the situation and confirming that for me girrrrrl!!!
So then I'm at Target, bought a REALLY nice long, dressy black skirt for church, (Check the skirt out HERE) Soooo i'm at the front, waiting in line to pay. There are two other people in front of me, people behind me, and the cashier greets the customers in front of me very professional like, then when I get up he looks at me and greets me with a "HEEEEEEEEY!" Sooooo i'm like thinking, ok do I know this guy somehow???? Cuz I could be wrong buuuuut this doesn't seem like a normal way for a cashier to greet a cuztomer!!! LOL
 Annnnnnd he is just blabbing to me about WHATEVERRR...complimenting me on stuff...Nice skirt i'm buying...He likes my sunglasses...I'm like okaaaaaaaaay...then I pay and he hands me my receipt, kinda lowers his voice and says, It was REALLY good meeting you today!!!" I'm thinkin like, ummmm...WE MET??? But I'm like like, Oh...yeah, you too!!! Then as I walk away I hear him greeting the next customer totally NORMAL..."Hello, How are you today?" I'm like REALLLLLY??? WHY ME???
Then i'm in the parking lot, getting ready to go home and a man comes over to the van, hey Ma'aam, I'm just wondering if you could spare me a few dollars to buy something to eat! I look at the man, he looks, altho GHETTO, totally HEALTHY and capable of WORKING, I'm just thinking like REALLY, I just worked out in the ARIZONA SUN all day today earning this money, I may be GHETTO buuuuuut at least I EARNED MY MONEY, and here you are a MAN, asking A WOMAN FOR MONEY to EAT!!! Buuuuuuut being the MAR BEAR that I am, and there always being that lil tug on my heart strings, I dug in my purse and got him out a dollar!
 He's like, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH and GOD BLESS YOU!!! He takes the dollar and starts to walk away, then STOPS does a double take and says, WOW!!! Niiiiiiiice GLASSES!!! I'm like, Oh Thank you!!! Like thanks for the compliment dude!!! I mean, it cost me a WHOLE DOLLAR buuuuuut THANKS MAN!!! AHAHAHA!!! Cuz JUST what I needed to boost my self-esteem that day, a compliment from a man that can't even buy his own meal...YES...I'm impressed...just floating up on cloud 109 over here...NOT!!! Bahahaha!!!

Sooooo after all that this week I was like, Ok God its cool... unless its a NORMAL, GODLY young man, I don't need ANY MALE questioning my marital status or giving me compliments on ANYTHING!!!!  Until its TIME...
i'll just go back to being a white crayon!!! ;)
♥Mary Frances :)