Soooooooooo I'm sure that ALL you Apostolic guys out there have just been WAITING for me to do another post on suggested men's clothing for you all!!! Weeeeeellll I FINALLY found something that I felt was WORTH BLOGGIN about for you all!!! A TIE!!! YES!!! I found a tie that I LOOOOOVE!!! ANNNNNNNNNNND unlike my last post of reccommended clothing, which you can reread HERE!!! This TIE is NOT gonna break your bank account cuz its found at the AWESOMEST STORE EVER!!! Yes, thats right, WALMART!!!
Okaaaaaaaaaaaay soooo look at this rack of ties and take and guess WHICH TIE it is that i'm IN LOVE WITH!?!?!?!
IF you guessed THIS ONE...
I LOOOOOOVE THIS TIE!!! Seriousley, it is soooooo NICE!!! It just speaks absolute manliness!!! Plus it is NOT boring...sooo many guys ties are just like, blah, blah, BLAH!!! I mean like seriousley, no offense but some of you guys out there, your ties are soooo DULL I'm just falling asleep LOOKING AT YOUR TIE!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! BUUUUUUUUUUT NOT THIS TIE!!! Cuz THIS tie is THE AWESOMEST TIE EVERRR!!!
Annnnnnnnnd guess what??? It is ONLY $10 bucks!!! THATS IT!!! Wives, BUY THIS TIE FOR YOUR HUSBAND!!! Guys, BUY THIS TIE FOR YOURSELF!!! Guess what ALL my brother's are getting for Christmas this year??? LOL YES, thats right THIS AMAZING TIE!!! (Altho, I only saw two at the Walmart across the street from PV MAll!!!)
Guys, what are you waiting for??? Go to your local Walmart or go online HERE and buy yourself the AWESOMEST TIE EVERRR!!! Annnnnnd heeeeey if you happen to be a Single-Godly-Handsome-On-fire-for-God-burden-for-the-lost-normal-guy-with-a-decent-job-not-in-debt-owns-a-car-never-been-married-no-kids-tithe-payer-young-man annnnnnnnnd you wanna match just let me know, cuz I sooooooo ROCK THIS COLOR!!! (Mar Bear PURRRR) I mean, i'm 'jus SAYIN' in case you were wondering!!! ;) ;) ;)
♥Mary Frances :)