When we got back from A Mountain Apart, everyone that went was asked to give a testimony, this is the basis of what I said and what God impressed upon my heart while I was at camp! A little bit before we got to the camp grounds I texted my mom and told her that I would be losing phone service soon, (Even tho I didn't) that I would talk to her at the end of the week and to pray that I got a BLESSING!!! She texted me back and said that she loved me and to just listen to that still small voice while I was at camp!
You know, I went to camp with SOOOO MUCH on my heart! I was praying and it felt like my prayers were in soooo many different directions! Like God, I want to do something for you! I want you to use me! I want to be a soul winner! And I'm thinking about different lost souls, I'm thinking about finding the will of God in my life and doing his will...when I just STOPPED praying about everything else and I just started praying, God, I WANT MORE OF YOU!!!
I think that was Wednesday morning that I felt God impressed something on my heart one morning in early morning prayer! I started praying, more of you Jesus! I just want more of you! I was praying God I just want to be so filled with you that it begins to overflow out of me! As I was praying I just imagined my heart vessel being so full of God that it just litterally overflowed and poured out of me!.
But as I was praying and thinking about this, I was thinking about the Spirit of God being so much in me that it would flow out of me and fall onto the ground. Buuuuut even as I thought of that, I got to thinking about when a pitcher of water is to full, what do we do??? Do we just let it all overflow to the ground??? NO! We GO GET ANOTHER PITCHER and start putting some of that water into the next pitcher!
As I was praying that morning, I really felt God talking to me. It wasn't that loud, blaring, audible voice, but just like my mom had told me, that still small voice,God impressed on me, NO, my spirit won't be wasted, IF you get so full of me that your vessel begins to overflow, it won't fall to the ground in waste, MY SPIRIT is going to find ANOTHER VESSEL to be filled!!!
Annnnnnnnd thats the message that God gave me at camp, Stop focusing on EVERYTHING ELSE!!! Stop trying to figure out how its all going to happen and just focous on GETTING MORE OF ME!!! (Jesus) Sometimes we try to analyze God! We try to figure Him out like some kind of mathematical equation, buuuuuut there is NO LOGICAL explaination for how God works...We just know that WE NEED HIM!!!
Sometimes we find ourselves soooo focused on working for God, that we focus more on THE WORK, than on THE ONE that we are working for! Take Mary and Martha, Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus soaking in every word that he said, while Martha was in the kitchen, working, preparting FOR JESUS, they were both doing good things, they both had their hearts in the right direction, yet Jesus clearly says that Mary had chosen the better part! What's better than working for God??? It's just being WITH GOD!!! Mary just wanted JESUS!!! God wants us to work for him, buuuuuut ABOVE ALL ELSE, He wants us to spend time with him!!! Jesus wants us to want him!!!
Sometimes we find ourselves soooo focused on working for God, that we focus more on THE WORK, than on THE ONE that we are working for! Take Mary and Martha, Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus soaking in every word that he said, while Martha was in the kitchen, working, preparting FOR JESUS, they were both doing good things, they both had their hearts in the right direction, yet Jesus clearly says that Mary had chosen the better part! What's better than working for God??? It's just being WITH GOD!!! Mary just wanted JESUS!!! God wants us to work for him, buuuuuut ABOVE ALL ELSE, He wants us to spend time with him!!! Jesus wants us to want him!!!
How are we going to reach the lost? By getting MORE of JESUS!!! How are we going to reach our loved ones??? By getting MORE OF JESUS!!! How are we going to have revival??? By getting MORE OF JESUS!!! How are we going to find the will of God for our lives???? BY GETTING MORE OF JESUS!!! Sometimes we focus so much on the problem, BUUUT what we really need to focus on is THE SOLVER OF OUR PROBLEMS!!! JESUS!!! JESUS!!! JESUS!!!! If we would just get so filled with him, EVERYTHING ELSE in our life is going to fall into place, in HIS TIME!!!
If WE the people of God could just get soooo hungry for God, that instead of focusing on our problems, and finding solutions, that we just seek after God our vessels will be soooo FILLED WITH JESUS its going to begin to overflow out of us and find another vessel to begin to filled! Oh God I want more of you!
I've had that song on my heart since camp,
♪More of you, MORE OF YOU!!! MORE OF YOU!!! ♪♪I have it all, yet what I need, is MORE OF YOU!!!♪ It seems I've had my fill, YET I HUNGER STILL, empty and bare, Lord hear my prayer, FOR MORE OF YOU!!!♪♪♪
"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."
(Matthew 5:6)
♥Mary Frances :)