Sooooo I'm with my youth group this weekend up in Williams AZ, annnnnnd basically what we're doing here is helping out the church in this small city in the mountains with a bunch of outreach and some special services.
Weeeeellll... After we were done with outreach today, all if us were in the van exchanging door-knocking stories and then were all telling each other what our line was... MOST OF US... Were saying something like this...
"Hi! My name is Mary, I'm from Way Of Life Apostolic Church, and I'm just here letting everyone know about some free activities we're going to be having. We have a gospel karaoke night, a free ice cream social, a new children's program starting this Sunday, and we would for you to come join us for a time of fun and fellowship! (Then hand them the fliers and info) thank you and God Bless!!! That's the jist if what MOST OF US WERE SAYING!!!! Ahahaha!!!
Monae's like, oh so that's WHAAAAT you all have been saying?!?! That's NOT what I've been saying!!! I'm like annnnnnd what EXACTLEY have you been saying?!?!
She's like well for example, "Hello sir, how you doing today?! Your looking really good and we just want to invite you come to our church! If you come we can hook you up with someone... There's this one 30-year-old...
I'm like WHAAAAAT???? REALLY MONAE???? She's just like YES!!! That's what I said!!!! Ahahaha!!! I couldnt stop laughing!!!
Only Monae!!!
♥Mary Frances :)