Friday, August 2, 2013

The purpose of a seatbelt...

A couple of weeks ago, I was riding with my sister in her van annnnnd my seatbelt was like CHOKING me! Okaaaaaaay not really, buuuut it sure did feel that way! And I was informing her that her car is sooooooo ANNOYING because it like pretty much MAKES you wear a seatbelt! Like as in, it will NOT stop making this really, really, REALLY annoying beeping sound, annnnnd WILL NOT STOP, UNTIL you put on your seatbelt! So I told my sister, this seatbelt is soooooo ANNOYING!!!
And my sis says, yeah I know, I mean, its only there to SAVE YOUR LIFE!!! I was like, okaaaay yeah thats TRUE!!! Because we ALL know that IF we were to get into a car accident, I would be VERY THANKFUL for that seatbelt!!! I mean, you think about the fact that, that ANNOYING beeping sound was because the whole entire vehicle was designed and programmed to SAVE LIVES!!! Annnnd that got me to thinking...
Pastors, ministers, they are designed to save lives. There's like a program in them that starts to beep when something in our life isn't lining up right. The standards of holiness and the guidelines that we are given can seem at times confining and restricting, but its only for our own safety. It is in fact like a seatbelt, holding us back from danger.
I was recently in a CPR/First Aide class. This was a bout the 4th time i've taken this class over the years, buuuuuut this teacher was stricter than any of the other teachers i've had. Most of the times i've taken this course when it was time to demonstrate the actual CPR on the dummies, the former teachers I had would just let us by as long as we had the general idea and concept. NOT this teacher. He would be like, no, you need be over them more, you need be compressing here, move your head up after each breath you give, annnnnd if you didn't have it right, he was NICE about it. buuuuut he would have you start all over again till you had it RIGHT!
Was it ANNOYING??? YES!!! buuuuuut, I raised my hand after class when we could give feedback and told him that he done a more thourough job than any of my other teachers and that I appreciated that about him. Why would I say that??? BECAUSE, we're learning about SAVING A LIFE!!! I don't think it should be nonchalant, like ok yeah, you basically, kinda got it, hopefully it works out!!!
Thats the way we have to look at it in our own lives. Sure there are churches you could go to where the standards may be easier to live by. Yes, there are pastors that will let you slip by with more, Buuuuuut do you really want to live your life with a loose seatbelt??? What about when you crash and it doesn't hold you all the way back? When its time for CPR, you really just want someone to have a general idea of how to save you, or do you want someone, that knows, that they know, that they know?!?!
Next time, you start to feel that confinement from standards, that restricting and you feel like you can't hardly even breath, just say OH THANK YOU JESUS that there is someone that is trying to save my life. Thank God for the seatbelt that is holding you back from the danger of this world. Its not there to hurt you, buuuuut to PROTECT YOU!!!
"Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief..." (Hebrews 13:17)
The purpose of a seatbelt is to SAVE YOU!!!
♥Mary Frances :)