Sometimes I CRY!!! I know, its hard to believe right?! Buuuut sometimes Mar Bear crys!!! I'm NOT one to walk around spreading gloom everywhere I go, but sometimes I cry! Yes, I CRY and its not even because I'm praying either, its because I want something that I don't have. There are days when I cry, simply because of a desire within me. A desire that I am not ashamed of, because I know it comes from God, yet its still rather embarrassing to admit, its the DESIRE to get married. I want To honesly share with you all, because I know there are others that feel the same way but are scared to admit it; The truth is that there are times when I want to get married soooo badly I can't stop the tears from falling out of my eyes! I have the desire to be a good, Godly wife! Its the desire to be a mom. Its the desire to have my own home, my own family, my own babies to rock in my arms, my own children to love, to raise up a rightous family with a man of God and to pass this legacy on to another generation. Its my desire.
Desire!!! Yesturday, we talked about desperation. What it is and how to know if we are falling into the mode of desperation as a single person. Today we are going to talk about DESIRE. We will go over what it means to have in our life as a single person. We will talk about the positive side of desire, the negative side of desire and the beauty of what our desire can become when used in the right context. So lets get started...
FIRST OF ALL, what does desire mean? The verb desire means "to long for," "to ask for," "to demand,"or to hope for. Lets be honest, MOST of us singles DESIRE to get married, even if not right now, eventually. If not, weeeeellll...your NOT, I think YOU might actually even be considered weirder than ME...buuuuut congrats on feeling that way cuz its a gift from God to NOT desire marriage...not a gift I want... buuuut...I'm still happy for YOU!!! ;))))
Soooo desire basically means to hope for or to long for something. Like something that you want so badly with a burning yearning and passion from within you. The thing about DESIRE is that it can be used in a good or bad way. Your desire, even for a GOOD THING, such as marriage, can pull you toward God or away from God. Desire alone, without temperance becomes lust. Lust is when you have a desire that is not submitted to the divine, heavenly nature of God, but only focused on our own carnal, human nature.
When our desire is out of control, it is NOT submitted to God and that is when it turns into lust and lust is what leads us to DESPERATION. When all you can focus on is yourself and fulfilling your own desires YOU have become desperate. You give no care on the harm and danger you will bring on yourself and to others. You want what you want and you'll do whatever it takes to get it. Your DESIRE is DESPERATE!!! "Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." (James 1:15)
However, desire that is controlled with temperance and in submission to God is the opposite of lust, it is CHASTITY!!! Chastity means the quality of being chaste. to be pure in thought and actions, purity in conduct and intention restraint and simplicity, innocence and purity. "When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee: To deliver thee from the way of the evil..." (Proverbs 2:10-12)
Aside from salvation for myself and others, what I really want, more than anything else in the world is to get married. If I had a choice between a trillion bucks or recieving my husband from God, I have NO DOUBT in my mind what I would choose...I KNOW where my desire is. To the world, the choice of a Godly husband over being rich is FOOLISHNESS. They would say I'm crazy, BUT its MY DESIRE!!! I don't have to be ashamed of the way I feel because no matter how badly I may want a husband, my desire is pure and innocent. My desire isn't out of control like a wildfire of desperation. I got a lid on it and the lid on the container is the hand of God.
A carnal desire beccomes LUST, That is why when two people fall into sin and they say, well we just couldn't help it, we "LOVE" EACH other. The man of God will correct them and say, thats NOT LOVE, thats LUST!!! Lust is an uncontained, carnal desire that we often mistake for love. Where as a CHASTE DESIRE becomes LOVE!!! Because love is NOT SELFISH! Love is not out of control. Love looks out for others. There is no sin in love because love comes from God therefore it is pure. Loving someone is a chaste desire that is restrained and submitted to God. Desiring to get married is does NOT mean you desperate when it is chaste. Because your desire is under control. You have a belt on it. You have a restraint on your desire that is holding you back from making irrational decisions out of desperation. Your not being selfish! Your not just looking out for yourself, but your looking out for your future spouse and future children as well. Your not just focused on the here and now, on the present, but looking towards the future and eternal outcome of your decisions.
A lustful desire, or a chastful desire? The results to your choice is death and destruction or the preservation of a beautiful love, the choice is yours. As for me, I'm keeping my desire for marriage chaste, preventing myself from future regrets, I'm waiting for love. When you keep your desire chaste, your saying, despite the yearning, longing in my heart, despite the tears I may cry, I'm submitted to God. I know what I want, but i'm not taking it into my own hands. I'm trusting in God, I'm giving the reins of my desire to God.
When your desire for marriage is chaste,
that is how you LOVE your future spouse,
that is how you LOVE someone,
that you don't even know for sure who they are.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
(1 Corinthians 13: 4-7)
♥Mary Frances :)
Sooo...What do we do with our desire while we are waiting?
How can we PREVENT ourselves even in our weakest moments from falling into DESPERATION!!!