Heeeeeeeeeey EVERYONE!!! Have you ever thought about HOW cool it would be to be the voice on a Radio drama??? Like Adventure's in Odyssey or Jungle Jam or Radio theatre??? (Like the awesomeness of the Father Gilbert series...the guys in my church still enjoy tormenting me from time to time with a, "Poor, poor PATRICIA...okaaaaay i'm home alone and just got chills even typing that...LOL) W Have YOU EVER DREAMED OF BEING A VOICE??? Weeeeellll I sure have annnnnd NOW is your chance to participate in an APOSTOLIC RADIO DRAMA that is about to get started!!!
Bro. J.D. Sutter, not from my church, but from Vally Pentecostal Church in Glendale AZ, and also the founder of Audio Theatre Central, recently contacted me about a Radio production he has written and will soon be turning into a radio drama. His reason for contacting ME, was to help him get THE WORD OUT!!! (For some odd reason...I was thought of to GET THE WORD OUT!!! Like WHAAAAT... people think I have a big mouth or something????:)
The first radio drama is called The Cross Maker. It is the story of the crucifixion of Jesus told from the perspective of the carpenter who built the cross. He is the main character in the program.
WHAT VOICES do they need??? They really need some male voices for this current production; Roman Soldiers, Jesus, the carpenter, etc. Altho, I believe they WILL also need some female voices, soooo IF interested still contact ladies as well...I was kinda hoping for a ditzy female part...I can do that SO WELL...its ALMOST like i'm not even acting!!! ;)
Auditions - The auditions would be held here in our studios in Glendale AZ, not far from VPC. We would schedule them with each participant as needed.
Long Distance - Bro. JD would welcome any Apostolics to participate IN THE FUTURE for other radio productions, no matter where they are located as long as they have a way to record their voices in a sound treated area. However, for the current project of The Cross Maker, everyone will need to be local because his pastor has asked him to perform this production live in their church.
How to Tryout - Just email Bro. JD at jd@radiocss.com with Drama Audition in the subject line and he'll connect with you via phone or Skype so I can hear the voice and then we'll go from there. If you are in anyway, AT ALL INTERESTED in being involved, PULEEEEEEZE contact Bro. JD NOW!!!
Weeeeeellll WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???? USE YOUR VOICE!!! Email him HERE!!! :)
♥Mary Frances :)